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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Clean water using an Eco Mobile Water Purifier system

Eco mobile water purifier

Global-NAMRIP members were introduced to Timothy Kayondo, the founder of Aqua Methods Uganda, and members of his team at the 2nd Global-NAMRIP conference in Uganda in March 2019 .  Timothy is one of a number of Young Innovators who were selected to attend the conference and demonstrate their inventions.

As part of the USAID funded 'Resilient Africa Network' based at Makerere University School of Public Health, Aqua Methods Uganda is focussed on water treatment and purification systems.

Eco mobile water purifier

Timothy explained how they have designed a digitalised portable eco water purification unit using  sustainable, locally sourced materials (which might otherwise be deemed as refuse) and devices that are affordable by the local population. Once installed the units are entirely solar powered.

His aim is to provide clean, safe water especially in remote areas of Uganda where access to water is limited. Timothy's team have already provided a number of devices to refugee camps and schools where they are in current use.

Global-NAMRIP have continued to work with Timothy following the conference and have supported him in applying for future funding to continue development and roll out of his eco water purification units.

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