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The University of Southampton

New bid to tackle poor air quality in the South

Published: 2024-07-17 09:30:00
Professor Sir Stephen Holgate with Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE
Professor Sir Stephen Holgate with Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE

A new partnership called Clean Air South has been launched today to tackle air pollution across central southern England.

Clean air campaigner Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE was the guest speaker at the partnership’s inaugural event at the University of Southampton’s Future Towns Innovation Hub in Chilworth.

Rosamund spoke powerfully about the loss of her nine-year-old daughter Ella, whose death in 2013, was attributed to illegal levels of air pollution near their home. The family lived just 30 metres from London’s South Circular Road, one of the most polluted roads in Europe.

She said: "Air pollution is a silent killer and a pandemic, killing more people than Covid. On the days there is a spike in pollution, more people go to hospital. If we clean up the air it wouldn’t be such a burden on the NHS. My daughter died a horrible death and children continue to die from asthma. It is our right to breathe clean air and we will keep battling to be heard."

Clean air campaigner Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE speaking in front of a presentation slide showing her daughter Ella and reading ’Clean air for all’ In the years since her daughter’s death, Rosamund has become one of the most powerful voices in the air pollution debate.

Her visit was arranged by Sir Stephen Holgate, Professor of Immunopharmacology at the University of Southampton. Rosamund and Stephen have worked closely for many years, and Stephen played a key role in the second inquest into Ella's death.

Professor Holgate said: “Rosamund has become one of the world’s most successful campaigners on clean air. Her personal story is such a powerful reminder about the human toll of air pollution. We really want to use this chance to accelerate work to improve air quality in the south with its unique air pollution issues.”

Air pollution is linked to up to 43,000 deaths a year in the UK and is the largest environmental impact to our health with children, the elderly and clinically vulnerable, most impacted.

Clean Air South aims to improve air quality by connecting health researchers with policy makers. Jointly led by Wessex Health Partners and the Sustainability and Resilience Institute (SRI), part of the University of Southampton, the partnership brings together expertise in research, innovation and education.

Craig Hutton, Professor of Sustainability Science & Director of the Sustainability & Resilience Institute (SRI), said: “The University of Southampton has a strong applied research interest in clean air, particularly in terms of understanding how the most vulnerable in society are disproportionately impacted.

“We are pleased to be working with such a diverse group of stakeholders and believe this approach will support the development of an appropriate evidence base to support the needs of our local and regional decision makers.”

Christine McGrath, Wessex Health Partners Managing Director added: “We know polluted air, indoor and outdoor, is a major threat to health in the south and exacerbates health inequalities. This includes communities in areas of higher pollution, such as those living close to busy roads, children, the elderly and those with long term health conditions.

"With the right research in place, and by linking people together, we can support policymakers to enact bold policies which drive change and protect our most vulnerable residents."

Clean air campaigner Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE with a mother and daughter in a clinical setting Rosamund also spoke to medical students, nurses and consultants at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) to hear first-hand about the education underway to ensure there is greater awareness of the impact of air pollution in relation to patients in their care.

After meeting Professor Diana Eccles, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton, Rosamund also visited the NIHR Clinical Research Facility where trials are underway to improve treatments for children with asthma and other conditions.

Dr Thom Daniels, consultant respiratory physician at UHS, said: “Poor air quality is one of the major public health challenges of our time, contributing to the shortened lives, poor health and deaths of thousands of people in the UK.

"We were delighted to welcome Rosamund to our hospital, giving her the chance to hear and see some of the work we are doing around this vitally important issue, including leading the way with clinical research that aims to provide better treatment and outcomes for our patients."

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