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The University of Southampton

Freedom of expression

The University of Southampton has an inclusive and diverse culture. Our community is underpinned by the values of tolerance, respect, and mutual support for all students and staff.

We recognise the right of every person to be treated in accordance with our values, and place a high value on supporting independence of thought, academic freedom and the freedom of speech, which are founding principles of our University.

Behaviour that undermines these principles is not acceptable and where such behaviour occurs, we will address it in order to safeguard our community.

Our students and staff are aware of our expectations and we share resources to support this, including:

Our Student Charter

The Student Charter is a reference point for all students and staff setting out our expectations, rights and responsibilities as members of the University community.

Report and Support tool

Staff and students can use the Report and Support tool to report unacceptable behaviour to us anonymously or with their details in order to access support.

The Student Hub

The Student Hub is the first point of contact for all students seeking wellbeing support.

We are all committed to studying and working in an environment where we treat one another with respect and where everyone can thrive.

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