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The University of Southampton
NEXUSS - Next Generation Unmanned Systems Science

About the CDT

NEXUSS is a Centre for Doctoral Training in the use of Smart and Autonomous Observing Systems (SAOS) to tackle major challenges in the environmental sciences where progress requires real-time, continuous, sustained and high-resolution observations. PhD projects are designed to be at the forefront of SAOS development with application to a topical environmental science problem. NEXUSS projects are distinct from most environmental science PhD projects in that the doctoral research contains a strong ‘smart’ or ‘autonomous’ component, involving the application of novel engineering or Big Data technology or approaches to environmental science, including but not limited to the use of autonomous platforms, integration and validation of novel sensors, application of innovative Big Data analytical techniques. Supervisory teams include both scientists and engineers.

The CDT is funded by both the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and is a joint venture between the University of Southampton (UoS, lead partner), British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Heriot-Watt University (HWU), National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) and University of East Anglia (UEA). Partners and associate partners are also listed on the Partnership page. The NEXUSS Partnership is at the forefront of UK research and training excellence in the development and environmental application of SAOS.

NEXUSS have recruited the final cohort of students and supports 46 PhD students over 3 cohorts. Students may undertake their research within one or several of the NEXUSS partners, and will be registered at one of the NEXUSS universities. Unique elements of the NEXUSS CDT include a bespoke training programme centred on SAOS culminating in a Grand Challenge event. There are additionally opportunities for placements at international research organisations and industrial and policy partners.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We recognise structural and long-standing issues with under-representation in postgraduate study at national and international levels.

We work closely with our DTP and other partners and across the University to monitor best practice and share experiences and expertise, aiming to create an inclusive research community, recognise structural barriers and privileges, and continuously improve equality and equity in all aspects of scientific research and education.

We recognise that different groups face different challenges in work and personal lives, and (in line with the University of Southampton’s Strategic Plan on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ) our EDI mission is to create an inclusive university community. Our vision is that this is a community where, as an individual student or member of staff:

Further details can be found on our EDI statement .

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