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The University of Southampton
NEXUSS - Next Generation Unmanned Systems Science

Claiming Expenses

Guidance for students registered at the University of Southampton

If you are attending a compulsory NEXUSS training course or event, then you should use the NEXUSS cost code to claim any travel or subsistence expenses.

N.B. If you need something specific to your research i.e. conferences or equipment, this should be from your RTSG account. Please follow the guidance or process in the Commonly bought items & contracted suppliers on the Finance Intranet to make this purchase. Most conferences and equipment will be purchased on your behalf by your faculty or the Buy team and you should not claim this on expenses unless you have had specific permission to do so. Your supervisor will be the budget holder of your RTSG account.

Please refer to the guidance for students to find out how to make a claim.

If you are advised to make an online claim please refer to the Business World guidance .  If you do not have access to Business World then please complete the Business World Web training .

Booking travel and accommodation

Please refer to the University's travel guidance .

If you have any queries:

For queries on which cost code to use please email the NEXUSS admin team: [email protected]

For queries regarding the claim and process of payment please email the expenses team: [email protected]

Guidance for visitors and students not registered at the University of Southampton

Please visit the Reclaiming Expenses - Non-University Personnel site for more information.

If you are attending a compulsory NEXUSS training course or event, then you should use the NEXUSS cost code to claim any travel or subsistence expenses.

N.B. If you are claiming for something specific to your research i.e. conferences or equipment, this should be claimed against your RTSG account. Please follow the guidance or process at your registered institution to claim this expense.

If you have any queries:

For queries on which cost code to use please email the NEXUSS admin team: [email protected]

For queries regarding the claim and process of payment please email the expenses team: [email protected]

Checklist and tips to ensure that payment is made in full and as quickly as possible

  • The claim must clearly state in detail the purpose of the trip including the dates and location.
  • For those submitting claims via Business World, please attach your receipts to the Business World claim. Guidance is available on the Expenses Sharepoint site .


  • must be itemised (standalone credit card receipt will not be reimbursed)
  • show proof of payment
  • must be original where ever possible
  • UK daily subsistence for meals are no longer permitted. You must attach all receipts for any meals purchased. There are limits on UK food & drink expenses .
  • To claim daily subsistence when overseas you must attach/include outward and inward flight boarding cards. For travel on Eurostar/Ferries ticket confirming outward and return journeys.


  • Visit the Own Vehicle Sharepoint page for more information about mileage rates.
  • IMPORTANT – please include a copy of the AA route planner . If mileage to be claimed differs from the mileage on the AA route planner, then differences must be clarified in the description (eg, to avoid town centre at rush hour, diversion due to accident).
  • Always keep your own copies of the claim form and receipts for reference.

Top reasons why claims forms are rejected from finance:

  1. Incorrect budget codes
  2. Reasons for spend; missing or incomplete
  3. Reason for travel missing
  4. Missing receipts – Boarding passes etc
  5. Non-Compliance with E&B – Over 3 months, No signatories
  6. Completion of values – Incorrect subsistence amount, Exchange rates do not add up
  7. Completion of contact details – Address payment information etc
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