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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Our impact

The School of Ocean and Earth Science at Southampton has reaffirmed its position as a world-leader in research excellence following publication of the national Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021). The School performed very well in the Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Unit of Assessment.

Our researchers are at the cutting-edge of knowledge, working on solutions to some of today's toughest challenges. While much of our research begins with concepts at a fundamental level, we are passionate about using the findings to make a real impact on the world around us.

Transforming research into answers to real world problems produces business opportunities, enhances quality of life, creates jobs, boosts the economy and helps make our world safer and more rewarding. Our REF success demonstrates that our research has a significant impact on society, industry, Government, and public service.

Find out more about our REF 2021 results

Fluorescent coral display
Fluorescent coral display

Coral reef science: Inspiring awareness of the need to protect marine ecosystems

Our pioneering research on coral reefs, and their crucial role in sustaining human and marine life, has influenced action by industrial partners, policymakers and the public on a local and global scale.

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A new crab species, the "Hoff" Crab
A new crab species, the "Hoff" Crab

Deep Impact: Engaging public audiences and policymakers with biodiversity in the deep ocean

By putting public engagement at the heart of our deep-sea research, we have delivered benefits to society by inspiring curiosity of science, raising awareness of our research insights and their context, and providing cultural enrichment and lifelong learning.

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Difficult-to-measure radionuclide characterisation for nuclear decommissioning and environmental monitoring
Difficult-to-measure radionuclide characterisation for nuclear decommissioning and environmental monitoring

Difficult-to-measure radionuclide characterisation for nuclear decommissioning and environmental monitoring

Our research and expertise in radionuclide characterisation has revolutionised assessment and decommissioning of nuclear sites around the world.

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Environmental optimisation of marine high voltage cables
Environmental optimisation of marine high voltage cables

Environmental optimisation of marine high voltage cables

Our research into the effects of the marine environment on buried high voltage cables has achieved cost savings and other efficiencies for windfarm manufacturers and electricity suppliers globally.

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The Thames Barrier
The Thames Barrier

Rising Tide: Informing management of sea level rise and coastal flooding

Our research on the underlying causes of sea-level change has shaped planning for major flood risks locally and globally.

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