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The University of Southampton
Philosophy Part of Humanities


Our outreach projects aim to inspire the next generation of philosophers and to bring philosophy into the wider community.

Two students in a classrom

Doing philosophy doesn’t require any special knowledge, tools or techniques – just reason, an open mind, and a willingness to challenge assumptions. Our outreach activities are focused on facilitating and guiding philosophical debate and reflection for those who may have had no prior exposure to the subject.

These pages will tell you about our programme of outreach activities, whether you are interested in attending an evening class or study day, you want to find out about our public engagement activities, or you would like to arrange an event for your school or college.

After a day in the Philosophy department at Southampton University my 6th Form students left feeling exhilarated by the intellectual challenge of the lectures and discussions they enjoyed, and more convinced than ever about the value of studying Philosophy at University. A winning combination of scholarly rigour, imagination and good humour characterises the work of the Philosophy department at Southampton and makes it a consistently popular University choice for our A level Philosophy students.

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