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The University of Southampton

Dr Julie Kirkby BSc, PhD

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Julie Kirkby's photo

Dr Julie Kirkby is Visiting Research Fellow within Psychology at the University of Southampton.

I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in psychology from the University of Southampton in 2006, and began my PhD immediately after. The research I conducted during my PhD examined binocular coordination of eye movements during linguistic and non-linguistic processing for adult, child and dyslexic populations. Since qualifying with a PhD in 2009 I have held the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

Research interests

Research Interests

My research interests are in eye movements and visual cognition; I am particularly interested in dyslexia. In my research, I measure eye movements during reading, scanning tasks and scene perception. I’m also interested in the development of oculomotor control in typical and atypical populations. Currently I am involved with projects concerning binocular coordination, visual search, children’s and adult’s reading.

Research group

Centre for Perception and Cognition (CPC)

Research project(s)

Eye movements during reading

Psychological processes active during the processing of written linguistic material

Detecting threats in real-world environments

I have some teaching duties, I also work programming experiments as well as training in eye movement recording techniques with other students and members of faculty.

Guest Lecturer on binocular coordination and dyslexia as part of the 3rd year option course on Eye Movements and Visual Cognition.

Dr Julie Kirkby
Building 44 Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ
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