Isabella Wang
Isabella Wang (Nan Wang), Digital Communications Officer
Public Policy|Southampton in partnership with Excel Southampton Internship Programme offers 12-week term time and 6-week summer term paid internship opportunities to University of Southampton students.
Our interns work closely with the Public Policy|Southampton Operational Team connecting relevant stakeholders with university researchers to promote their research and attempt to influence public policy on a local, national and an international level. Interns will manage various projects, organising and running a diverse range of events during their time with the team.
Our interns have gone on to further engage their interest in public policy, social and political issues, either as leaders of student political parties, working for an MEP at the European Parliament, or working in partnership with the UN to develop global initiatives to support achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. They have successfully built on their multifaceted workplace experience of interning with Public Policy|Southampton to pursue their personal policy ambitions.
If you are a Southampton student interested in gaining hands-on experience get in touch .
If you want to get involved with the policy process and maximise your engagement with policymakers, we highly recommend joining our FREE Membership.
Read the blogs of our most recent interns reflecting on their time working with Public Policy|Southampton.
Isabella Wang (Nan Wang), Digital Communications Officer
Chloe Holt, Digital Communications Officer
Joan Ohizua, Digital Communications Officer
Gabriella Schneider, Digital Communications Officer