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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Prof. Bill Keevil presents 'the benefits of anti-microbial copper'

Published: 16 December 2020
Prof. Keevil

Prof. Bill Keevil, Professor of Environmental Healthcare within School of Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton, has spent the summer and autumn helping UK and international companies assess their antiviral hand rubs, surface cleaners and antimicrobial surfaces, particularly including copper, against SARS-CoV-2 in Containment Level 3 laboratory.

He was invited to present his antimicrobial copper research in a company’s expert scientists webinar series last week which you can watch here .

Prof. Keevil is currently involved in a number of projects. He is Co-I on an engineering project investigating cold atmospheric plasma decontamination of PPE including facemasks, led by Dr Mikwan Kim, which has received outline approval from UKRI. He has also been involved in helping to write and assess several COVID-19 risk assessment for foods and is a member of the Expert Group on the Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the Wider Environment, chaired by DEFRA, and reporting to SAGE.

Read more about the work of Prof. Keevil here .

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