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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Economic and social impacts of COVID-19 Webinar

Published: 1 March 2021
Economic and social impacts of COVI

On Tuesday 2nd March 2021, Prof. Graham Moon and Dr Dianna Smith will be part of a panel discussion for the Royal Geographic Society on Economic and social impacts of COVID-19.

Covid-19 is having impacts that extend far beyond its immediate effects on people's health status. Some of these non-health impacts flow from poor health, others ensure that existing health inequalities - and other inequalities - will deepen.

The impact of Covid-19 is broad in its human and structural dimensions. This panel discussion will focus on the economic and social consequences of the pandemic. A particular area of concern will be access to food and the impact on food supply. Drawing on the latest geographical research, including work by the presenters, the evening will feature short presentations and structured discussion touching on the impact that Covid-19 is having on work, jobs, different demographic groups and the way we live our lives (using food supply as a case).

We will look also at the implications for service access and alternative ways of working, as well as asking wider questions about how (food) economies are organised and governed.

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