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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Dr Mark Bale, CSaP Policy Fellow

Dr Mark Bale, Health Science and Bioethics, Department of Health
Dr Mark Bale, Health Science and Bioethics, Department of Health

Mark Bale leads on a number of key emerging healthcare science areas and their ethical, legal and policy implications. He is also Head of Profession for Scientists and Engineers and a Deputy to the Chief Scientific Adviser, Dame Sally Davies.

His current priorities are supporting the delivery of the Prime Minister’s 100K genomes initiative, which include the establishment of Genomics England to deliver the project working closely with NHS England and Health Education England.

The wider Division’s priorities include embryology and assisted conception, human organs and tissue, screening and early diagnosis, sexual health, rare diseases and regenerative medicine. It also has responsibility for the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, NHS Blood and Transplant, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and the Human Tissue Authority.

He also represents the UK on bioethics and biotechnology at the Council of Europe and OECD. He is the Vice-Chair of the Bioethics subcommittee of the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Committee.

Mark has led on genetics and genomics since 2004 and was formerly the Secretary to the Human Genetics Commission. He has a research background in microbial genetics and joined the Department of Health in 1999 after working on the occupational safety of GMOs and pathogens.

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