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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Consultation response | Consultation on Transnational Education Review

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This consultation invites comments on the draft handbook for a revised QAA review method: Transnational Education (TNE) Review.

A response from the University of Southampton | December 2016

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TNE Review Handbook Consultation Response | 19 December 2016

Contextual information

1.1. Are you responding to this consultation:

On behalf of a provider/organisation

1.2. Provider/organisation name (N.B. if you are not answering on behalf of a provider/organisation please answer n/a)

University of Southampton

1.3. Which of the following best describes you?

Staff in higher education in a quality related role

1.4. Other (please specify)

1.5. Where are you located?


Review overview

2.1. Do you agree with the outcomes of TNE review visits, that is recommendations and good practice aimed at supporting continuous development?


A risk-based, efficient and flexible approach

3.1. Are there other criteria that should be considered in selecting the geographical destination of TNE review?


3.3. Are there other criteria that should be considered in selecting the TNE arrangements for review and case study purposes?


3.4. If yes, what criteria should be added when selecting TNE arrangements?

Agree that the sample selected should be based on those activities perceived as higher risk but would also suggest that providers which have an excellent track record should not receive the same treatment as those that represent a higher risk.

Conducting the review

4.1. Do you agree on the range of information requested from providers selected for review? (see Annex 2)


4.2. Is there additional information the TNE review team should be looking at?


The review process in detail

5.1. Do you agree with the timeline for the TNE Review process?


5.2. If not, are there any suggestions for the timeline?

Timelines for the review seem very tight particularly if an overseas visit is to take place. 3 weeks to gather and submit the evidence for the desk based analysis ahead of the visit will be a challenge.

5.3. Do you agree with the suggestion to run a collective workshop to share and discuss lessons learned from the TNE review exercise as a follow-up activity?

Yes, I think this is an excellent idea especially if all institutions that operate in the area can attend even if they were not part of the review.

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