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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Evidence to Policy Blogs Archive

Welcome to our comprehensive list of the Evidence to Policy Blogs.

Prof. Craig Hutton

Bridging the Science Policy Divide

Craig Hutton, Professor of Sustainability Science within Geography and Environmental Science, shares a useful list with practical suggestions on bridging the science policy divide.

PhD Joseph Kimaro

PhD Placement with Southampton City Council

Joseph Kimaro, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Social Sciences, reflects on his PhD placement experience with Southampton City Council on Sustainable and Ethical Public Procurement Policies.

Juljan Krause

Cabinet Office placement

Juljan Krause, doctoral researcher in Web Science and based at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, reflects on his 3 months placement at the Cabinet Office.

Nina Schuller

Placement on social integration

Nina Schuller, PhD candidate in web science at the University of Southampton, reflects on her internship experience at Public Policy | Southampton.

Mark Anderson

A Secondment to BI4BG

Mark Anderson, PhD candidate at the Web Science Institue, reflects on his secondment experience with the Cabinet Office.

EU-UK Maritime Transport

Brexit and Maritime Transport

Professor Emily Reid alongside Dr Jenny Zhang discuss their oral evidence to the house of Lords European Union Select Comittee, as part of the sub-committee's Inquiry on Future EU-UK Transport Arrangements.


Public Policy | Southampton

Gavin Costigan, Senior Adviser to Public Policy | Southampton, discusses the driving force behind having a public policy team at Southampton and the various activities the department engages in.


Use of evidence to aid decison-making

Dr Chandni Maria Jacob, PhD candidate, Human Development and Health, discusses her time at WHO - Regional Office for Europe, for which she produced a HEN report.


Public Policy Secondment at Defra

PhD student Rubi Alvarez Rodriguez discusses her time working with the Resources and Waste Strategy Evaluation team, in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Internship Experience

Public Policy Internship: A Reflection

PPS intern, Gabriella Schneider discusses her time at the department and how it enhanced her understanding of current affairs and the impact of academic research in influencing parliamentary legislation.

Luiz Valerio P. Trindade

Social Media Platforms

Learn why social media platforms have become a form of digital public square where people distil different sorts of bigotry and hate speech and what should be done to address this.

sea level rise

Extreme Sea Level Rise

Extreme sea level rise is the greatest threat from global warming for the UK. Learn how University of Southampton researchers contribute to better understanding of changes in sea level.

Storm over Caribbean

Climate Change and Extreme Events

With near total destruction comes the opportunity to rebuild safer, strong and more sustainable communities in Antigua and Barbuda. Learn how University of Southampton researchers are meeting this challenge.

SoGIS17 logo

Survey of Graduating International Students 2017

Professor Jane Falkingham argues that UK is in danger of demininshing its global educational soft power by making the UK less attractive to international students by counting them within the net migration target.

Science March

Science in America

The United States has been leading scientific research worldwide for decades. Unfortunately for American universities, President Trump is cracking down on science.

In science we trust

It's the trust, stupid!

Looking at the causes behind the erosion of trust between the scientific and policy communities and mechanisms to restore it.

Exploring our Oceans

What do the Oceans mean to you?

As the UN meets for The Oceans Conference Professor Rachel Mills discusses how Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) can raise public awareness of the Earth's oceans.

Prof. Hanson

Fed up with obesity?

Professor Mark Hanson picks over current WHO and UK government strategies to tackling childhood obesity and how the interventions the University of Southampton have created in response to these policy drivers.

Power partnering and policy change

Power Partnering & Policy Change

Read how Dr Thomas Richardson has partnered with the Money & Mental Health Policy Institute to highlight the relationship between mental health and debt which has recently been cited by the Prime Minister.


Tackling AntiMicrobial Resistance

Professor Timothy Leighton defines the effects of antimicrobial resistance and urges global funders to consider two key policy recommendations in order to tackle this potentially devastating global challenge.

Clare Bridge

Bridging the gap

Richard Smith, PhD candidate studying at NOCS and current intern at the Centre for Science and Policy discusses life at the nexus of evidence and policy.

Trust and honesty

Interloping in the world of LA research

Dr Andrew Power, Lecturer in Human Geography, examines the space for researchers to engage directly with user-led organisations and how Local Authorities are responding.


Influencing NHS decision making

Dr Honora Smith, Lecturer in Operational Research (OR), addresses the nebulous nature of the NHS and where this leaves the data hungry researcher.

Dr Brown and Sir Desmond Swayne

Royal Society Pairing Scheme

Dr Sally Brown shares her experience of the Royal Society's Pairing Scheme which matches policymakers and researchers in order to build networks and understanding of each others role in evidence-based policymaking

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