Support for Researchers
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The University of Southampton continues to support the Maritime Coastguard Agency’s understanding of emission reduction technologies.
Following on from a very successful placement programme where early career researchers Natasha Easton and Dr Lina Maria Zapata produced a comprehensive review of academic literature on emission reduction technologies applicable to the maritime industry , the University of Southampton (UoS) and the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) continue their knowledge exchange collaboration by developing a new project which expands the initial review to uncover the wider commercial marketplace and related policy developments. The ambition is to highlight technology trends on main technology and market sectors, and to gather information that would be applicable to the clean energy routes for the maritime industry.
Picking-up from a separate but related work commissioned by the MCA and delivered by UoS academics Dr Richard Wills and Prof Andrew Cruden - who have used their knowledge of technologies and technology providers to produce an interim report on the subject -, PhD candidate Tao Zhu has been on a two-month placement at the MCA where he has reviewed, inter alia, relevant government white papers and industry reports and produced a dataset of resources. When combined with Natasha and Lina’s outputs, this dataset paints a full picture of the current understanding around various emission reduction technologies, a fundamental resource for the MCA in its ambition to continue to be a global leader in achieving the sustainability of shipping.
Find out more about how PPS can support UoS researchers to enhance their policy impact of their work.
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