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The University of Southampton
Quality Handbook Programmes and Modules

Minor Modifications/Changes to Modules/Programmes


Modifications to Modules are, almost without exception, are classified as Minor changes and generally undertaken by Module Leads/Teams as part of the normal annual review, reflection, maintenance and enhancement of modules.   This means that the approval of minor changes can be undertaken by the Director of Programmes and/or Chair's Action by the Chair of the School Programmes Committee (SPC).   The rationale for the decision taken as well as and note of the Chair's Action taken should be included in the report received by SPC and recorded in the minutes.

Recommended modifications should be reviewed, in advance of SPC, by the Module Lead and Programme Lead/Director of Programmes.  This is to ensure that proposals will not affect the Programme learning outcomes, curriculum mapping and the assessment table approved during Programme Approval or Review.

Module Leads should remain mindful that module modifications can affect programmes and therefore a modification to a module will not be approved if it negatively affects the Programme(s) in which it is taught.

Attention should also be paid to cumulative modifications which, although minor in themselves may result, over time, in a more substantial impact on the Programme.  If there is any doubt as to whether a module modification is minor or whether cumulative modifications might impact a Programme, the Module Lead should consult with the Programme Lead.  If it remains unclear, the Deputy Head of School (Education) and/or Associate Dean (Education) should be consulted.

Modifications already approved as part of the Programme Roll-out Action Plan, or the Programme Enhancement Action Plan do not need to be 're-approved' by SPC, but the expectation that SPC will monitor the operation of these modifications remains.

Recommended modifications should be reviewed, in advance of SPC, to ascertain their impact on Students and therefore the required consultation or notification process to be undertaken.

The Module Lead and Programme Lead/Director of Programmes will consider whether any modification to a module is considered Material or Non-material. Material changes will then follow the required communication with Students and other key stakeholders, in line with the guidance in the Modifications to Programmes and Modules Table.


Changes to Programmes that are classified as Minor must be approved by SPC.  The rationale for the change should be reported to SPC and recorded in the minutes.

Recommended changes should be reviewed, in advance of SPC, by the Programme Lead/Director of Programmes.  This is to ascertain their impact on Students (and other key stakeholders) and therefore the required consultation or notification process to be undertaken.

Programme Leads/Directors of Programmes should be mindful of the required timescales for changes to programmes as some changes are not permitted outside of these timescales, or will result in additional work before being allowed.

Attention should also be paid to cumulative changes which, although minor in themselves may result, over time, in a more substantial impact on the Programme. If there is any doubt as to whether a change to a programme is minor or whether cumulative changes might require the programme to enter Programme Review, the Programme Lead/Director of Programmes should consult with the Deputy Head of School (Education).   If it remains unclear, the Associate Dean (Education) should be consulted.

Changes already approved as part of the Programme Roll-out Action Plan, or the Programme Enhancement Action Plan do not need to be 're-approved' by SPC, but the expectation that SPC will monitor the operation of these modifications remains.

The Programme Lead/Director of Programmes, in partnership with the Chair of SPC will consider whether any change to a programme is considered Material or Non-material.

Material changes will then follow the required communication with key stakeholders, in line with the guidance in the Modifications to Programmes and Modules Table .

Material or Non-material Change

Whilst administratively, a modification to a module or a change to a programme may be classified as minor, the impact of each modification/change needs to also be assessed on its impact on key stakeholders.  (Key stakeholders: Current Students, Offer Holders, Applicants, Potential Students).

Material changes will then follow the required communication with key stakeholders, in line with the guidance in the Modifications to Programmes and Modules Table and the guidance provided on the Education Quality SharePoint site (link to internal site).

Documentary requirements


Please contact your Faculty CQA team for more advice on the process to follow. In some Faculties, Minor modifications to modules are made directly into the Curriculum Management System (link to internal site) -

The SPC will review modifications to modules and the Programme Lead/Director of Programmes will describe the associated rationale to the Committee.  (If the modifications have been made directly into the Curriculum Management System, the SPC will review live data directly from the Curriculum Management System).


Minor changes to Programmes should be detailed on the Programme Change Form .  The SPC will review proposed changes and the Programme Lead/Director of Programmes will describe the associated rationale to the Committee.

Consideration and approval

School Programmes Committee may decide at this point that the modifications/changes proposed constitute a major change and that further action is required.

Rather than considering multiple minor changes over an extended period, it is suggested that Schools nominate one School Programmes Committee meeting each year to approve minor changes.

Post Approval

The following actions are required:

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