

Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Amaya Menendez, Rachael H. James, Anna Lichtschlag, Douglas Connelly & Kate Peel, 2019, Marine Geology, 409, 1-14
Type: article
Xiaonuo Li, Paul Bardos, Andrew B. Cundy, Marie K. Harder, Kieron J. Doick, Jenny Norrman, Sarah Williams & Weiping Chen, 2019, Science of the Total Environment, 652, 810-821
Type: article
Bella Duncan, Robert McKay, James Bendle, Timothy Naish, Gordon N. Inglis, Heiko Moossen, Richard Levy, G. Todd Ventura, Adam Lewis, Beth Chamberlain & Carrie Walker, 2019, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 516, 71-89
Type: article