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The University of Southampton
Southampton Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies

Upcoming conferences

14-15 May Online Conference

Adventurous Wives

Organised by Alison Daniell and Kim Simpson, hosted by Chawton House. Speakers include Joanne Begiato and Sophie Couloumbeau.

Recent conferences and workshops


May: Lockdown Literary Festival (Chawton House, online)

Included talks from Southampton English: Gillian Dow, Kim Simpson, PhD student Rebecca James, former PhD student Alison Daniell, as well as Devoney Looser, Emma Clery, Janine Barchas, Janet Todd, Hilary Davidson, Jennie Batchelor.

For full playlist please click here .

May: Lockdown Garden Festival , Chawton House (Chawton House, online)

Included a talk from Stephen Bending, ‘ Pleasure Gardens in the Long Eighteenth Century

July: Jane Austen Society 80th Birthday Celebrations (Chawton House, online)

For full playlist please click here .

November: The South Sea Bubble and the Bubble Act.

Part of the Women’s Committee workshop for Economic History Society

31st Annual Workshop: EHS Women’s Committee | Economic History Society


Moving Landscapes: Gardens and Gardening in the Transatlantic World, 1670-1830 , a 2-day conference hosted by the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California


Reputations, Legacies, Futures: Jane Austen, Germaine de Staël and their contemporaries, 1817-2017

Writing Art: Women Writers as Art Critics in the Long Eighteenth Century , and Women Writers on the Old Masters , co-hosted conferences at Chawton House Library and the National Gallery, London


Experiencing the Transatlantic Garden , Chawton House Library


Experiencing the Georgian Garden, Chawton House Library

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