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The University of Southampton
Southampton Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies

Chawton Evening Lecture Event

John Murray
18:30 - 20:00
15 May 2014
Chawton House Library

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Chawton House Library on 01420-541010 or email [email protected] .

Event details

Dr. Christine Kenyon Jones (King's College London) "'He is a rogue of course, but a civil one": John Murray, Byron and Jane Austen'

This lecture will compare and contrast the relationships of Lord Byron and Jane Austen with their publisher John Murray.

Dr. Kenyon Jones will discuss how Murray deployed his charm with these two very different authors, while in both cases being rather less than open in his financial dealings with them. She will explore how issues of class affected both relationships, with Byron's rather precariously-achieved aristocracy and Austen's hard-held gentility playing off against Murray's status as tradesman, professional and gentleman; expert, adviser and business partner; servant, colleague and friend.

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