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The University of Southampton
Schools and colleges

Year 12 Higher Education advice evening Event

15 February 2017
Building 32, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, University Road, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email [email protected] .

Event details

After the success of last year’s event we are once again inviting parents of current Year 12 students onto campus for the annual Higher Education Advice Evening. This event is for parents of students who are considering going to university. It is designed to give an overview of the next steps involving the application to university and personal statements. The evening will give general, up-to-date information on topics such as choosing a course, student finance, getting the most from open days and the benefits of Higher Education which will be applicable no matter what university they are thinking of applying to. This free event is aimed at parents of Year 12 students to inform them about the process involved with applying to university. During the evening we will be giving an overview of the benefits of Higher Education in general, how to choose a course, the application process as well as Student Finance and what help is available.


The outline of the programme is:

5.30- 6.00 : Optional campus tour

6.00 - 6.15 Registration

6.15 - 6.45 : For Parents: Welcome and overview of applying to university

- The application process

- Choosing a course

- How to get the most from open days

Meet some of our current students and hear about their journey.

6.15 - 6.45: For Students: Applying to university including choosing a course and writing an effective personal statement.

6.45 - 7.15: Buffet and an opportunity to chat to academics, students and staff including representatives from accommodation, enabling services and careers.

7.15 - 7.45: Student Finance- what support is available, funding, budgeting etc.

Although this event is intended for parents/ guardians, students are more than welcome to attend and we are providing a separate talk for them about applying to university. However, due to limited places being available, the event booking is limited to 3 places per booking and will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

If you require further spaces due to younger siblings needing to attend, please do get in touch via [email protected]


1) What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

There is a bus stop situated at the University. We also have parking available.

2) Is this an Open Evening about the University of Southampton?

No, this is a general advice evening about applying to any university.

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