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The University of Southampton
Social Impact Lab

Spark India 2019


In 2019, University of Southampton students travelled to Mumbai, India, to tackle local social challenges and propose ideas to resolve them. Students worked with SafeCity , a platform empowering individuals, communities, police and city government to create safer public and private spaces, Kranti , supporting girls from India’s red-light areas, and Down to Earth , an NGO helping children from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their performance in essential subjects at school. Students took part in site visits to social enterprises and innovation tours, as well as getting stuck in to business challenges including crowdfunding campaigns, technology trials and impact research. They were able to benefit from individual and group mentoring, and develop their skills in workshops, such as Design & Systems Thinking and What kind of leader am I?


Find out what the 2019 cohort have to say about their experiences

Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019
Spark India 2019

A truly transformative programme where you have the opportunity to learn about different changemaking organisations. A programme that is not only focusing on the group, but also on the personal development of the individual. Spark India literally provides the spark for the personal development journey of the individual and the platform to become a great leader

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