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The University of Southampton
Social Impact Lab

Spark India 2021

This year, our main theme was digital skills and our 3 partners Kranti , SafeCity and Mijwan Welfare Society set up some fantastic virtual projects for everyone. Kranti were looking for a team to digitise their curriculum; SafeCity had national datasets on gender-based violence to visualise, and Mijwan Welfare Society wanted students to help design a mobile app for rural job seekers. Our 10 University of Southampton students were joined by 10 Ahmedabad University students in India, and throughout the programme, were supported by alumni, including EnvoPAP Founder & CEO, Kaushal Shah & Co-founder & Managing Director of Sagar Energy Solutions, Andreas Ovstrovsky . Each student received 1:1 and group mentoring sessions from Dr. Pathik Pathak , heard from social entrepreneurs such as ElsaMarie D'Silva , and received free personal development workshops including Ikigai - Finding meaningful work, Data Visualisation & Working Internationally.

Location: Online, Anywhere

Daily routine

Find out what our fellows got up to each day on our first virtual programme

Watch the video here

Student Testimonials

Find out what our fellows think about 2021 Spark India virtual programme

Watch the video here

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It has been so much fun, everyone doing Spark India was so hard working and motivated. It has been so transformative in terms of me figuring out who I want to become

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