SMMI Call for Proposals - The Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships 'Understanding Maritime Futures'
The Leverhulme Trust has awarded the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute a number of fully-funded PhD grants, with two cohorts of scholars already commencing in October 2015 and 2016. The scholarships will be funded for 3 years at RCUK levels and each will include full-time UK/EU fees. The focus of the scheme is on matching the best possible candidates to the most innovative and interesting projects.
The SMMI “Understanding Maritime Futures” Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholars will address key global issues such as such as access to resources, safety and security, the effects of rising sea levels, technical advancements and autonomy, our responses to natural and human disasters, the impacts on people, and the ways people living by and from the sea understand their experiences and cultural heritage. The vision for the programme is to develop transdisciplinary thought leaders and researchers who have a unique human-centred approach to understanding, living, and working with the sea. The programme aims to facilitate a different, more creative and holistic way of problem solving to address marine and maritime societal challenges.
The programme particularly encourages projects that:
1. Propose a transdisciplinary approach to tackle an important societal challenge in the marine and maritime realm;
2. Are useful in informing national and international decision makers from government, business and civil society;
3. Have direct benefit to marine/maritime stakeholders such as port authorities, aid and/or government agencies, businesses, seafarers and coastal communities;
4. Challenge public understanding and/or capture the public imagination.
SMMI members are invited to propose transdisciplinary projects that tackle major maritime issues. Colleagues can request to become members of SMMI by contacting Sue Smith ( [email protected] ).
Closing date for proposals: 12 December 2016
For further information, please see the guidance notes below.
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