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The University of Southampton
Southampton Sport News

November Closure

Published: 2 November 2020
UoS Sport
UoS Sport

Dear Members,

We are writing to you today to inform you that the 1st – 4th November’s membership fees will be waived, this means that for this period all members can use the facilities for free. As we look to close our facilities from Thursday 5th November until Wednesday 2nd December 2020; all monies taken for your November membership will be automatically transferred over to cover your December 2020 fee.

What does this mean?
Although the recent payment taken from you on the 1st November was intended to cover your November membership, the Sport & Wellbeing have taken the steps to keep things simple and transfer this fee for facility usage in December. This means no further payment will be taken from you until January 2021.

What about if my payment was not successfully taken on the 1st of November?
Each month we do receive some failed payments, this usually happens due to insufficient funds, incorrect bank details or due to customers not completing an RCP form. If your payment has not been successful for November, we will look to take this payment again upon the reopening of our facilities. If your bank statement does not show that money has been deducted for November, it is likely that you will need to make payment in December 2020

What is an RCP form?
RCP stands for Recurring Card Payment and the form allows us to upload your bank details for us to pull off payment each month, if you signed up online and have not completed one of these please look to come into Jubilee Sports Centre or Mayflower Gym before our closure date on the 5th November. Alternatively, please look to complete this early in December.

Will the Sport & Wellbeing facilities reopen in December?
As long as we have the green light from the Government and the University of Southampton, our facilities will reopen in December and our current membership pricing will remain, although as planned the joining fee will be re-implemented. If we were to close for a longer duration then we will reassess the plans and you will be contacted with a further update.

What happens if I did not wish to use the facilities in December?
You are welcome to contact us via [email protected], if you could clearly state that you wish to cancel your membership. We will then look to calculate any outstanding fees that are owed. If you have contacted us to discuss your membership options, we request that you contact us again to confirm the next steps for you.

As always, we thank you for your cooperation and encourage you to follow our social media pages to keep up to date with the latest information on our services.

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