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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre

String Theory seminar - Alex Arvanitakis Seminar

13:00 - 14:00
7 December 2016

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Francesco Aprile, Gavin Hartnett at [email protected], [email protected] .

Event details

Twistor variables for Anti-de Sitter (super)particles, strings and branes

We will show how (super)twistors for AdS_{d+1} spacetimes simplify the dynamics of (super)particles, strings and branes propagating on those geometries. An AdS_{d+1} twistor is a pair of Penrose twistors for d-dimensional Minkowski space (modulo certain identifications). We will see how the construction works for superparticles on AdS, yielding a 1st-quantized description of graviton supermultiplets, and outline the generalisation to tensionless p-branes. We will also indicate how this construction could be relevant to AdS/CFT and the "gravity=Yang-Mills squared" proposal.

Speaker information

Alex Arvanitakis , Cambridge.

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