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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre

String Theory seminar - Stefanos Katmadas Seminar

28 November 2018
Building 54, room 8031

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Brandon Robinson at [email protected] .

Event details

Title: BPS black holes in AdS4

Abstract: In this talk I consider supersymmetric asymptotically AdS_4 black hole solutions in Fayet-Iliopoulos gauged theories. I will review the constructions of such solutions achieved in recent years, focusing on static solutions with a magnetic flux through the horizon that realises a topological twist. Subsequently, I will present the recent extension of this class to the rotating case, which is characterised by a squashed horizon whose curvature is again locked to the magnetic flux. Finally, I will discuss the BPS entropy function in the rotating case and its expected connection to the twisted index in the field theory dual.

Speaker information

Stefanos Katmadas , KU Leuven.

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