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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre

String Theory seminar - Debodirna Ghosh [NOTE UNUSUAL DAY AND TIME: TUESDAY 12:30] Seminar

7 December 2021
Online seminar

For more information regarding this seminar, please email David Turton at [email protected] .

Event details

Title: Supertranslations at timelike infinity

Abstract: In this talk, I will propose a definition of asymptotic flatness at timelike infinity in four spacetime dimensions. I will also present a detailed study of the asymptotic equations of motion and the action of supertranslations on asymptotic fields. I will then show that the Lee-Wald symplectic form does not get contributions from future timelike infinity with appropriate boundary conditions. As a result, the “future charges” can be computed on any two-dimensional surface surrounding the sources at timelike infinity. Finally, I will present expressions for supertranslation and Lorentz charges.

Speaker information

Debodirna Ghosh , Chennai.

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