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The University of Southampton
STAG Research Centre

String Theory seminar - Anton Pribytoks Seminar

8 December 2021
Online seminar

For more information regarding this seminar, please email David Turton at [email protected] .

Event details

Title: Automorphic symmetries, Free fermions and AdS integrable deformations

Abstract: We begin by showing implications of underlying automorphic symmetries in two-dimensional integrable systems and implementation of boost operator. We will develop the method of integrable generators for finding new models and demonstrate Hamiltonian bottom-up approach for constructing associated R-matrices, which also allows to resolve classification problem. Universality of the method admits generalisation to higher dimensional quantum spaces, as well as extends to generic spectral dependence, where its mapping to string integrable backgrounds and S-matrix arises. We shall make this exact in the structure of spin chain and string pictures. Description of the novel models and their properties will be provided based on various Bethe Ansätze, including emergence of free fermion condition for AdS string integrable models. Based on that, the new classes of deformed integrable models will be shown in AdS_3 \times S^3 \times M^4 and AdS_2 \times S^2 \times M^6 backgrounds along with their limits, and relation to double q-deformed supercoset models in the former case. We will also discuss notes on deformation flows and proposal for S-matrix for higher parametric Sigma models and their quantum sector.

Speaker information

Anton Pribytoks , Dublin.

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