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The University of Southampton
Student Administration and Academic Affairs


Please find below a few tips for a successful revision strategy including space on campus you can use to study.  Please be aware that many rooms on campus will be unavailable for revision because they are being used for exams.  During exam revision periods information on which rooms can be used without being disturbed will be posted below.

Plan your day

Try to establish a routine that allows time for meals, sleep, revising and relaxing. Put together a timetable and start planning well before exams begin. Plan to study one subject a day: switching between them too often will mean you do not take in information as well.

Make a list of the major points of each topic. This helps break down your work into small, manageable chunks. Ticking off items as you complete them will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

Sleep well

Do not work all night - it is important to get some sleep. Your body needs rest and you should get at least six hours sleep if you are going to be able to feel fresh enough to concentrate each day.

Eat well

Eating proper meals at regular times is very important and will ensure you have enough energy to tackle your revision.

Avoid overuse of stimulants such as tea, coffee, tobacco, chocolate and cola. They can cause fatigue, disturb sleep patterns and harm your adrenal glands (which regulate your response to stress).

Make sure you maintain a balanced diet which is high in fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and seafood. Some foods are more calming than others: milk, for example, contains a natural morphine which helps to calm you down.

Take breaks

The average concentration span of a human being is 45 minutes at a time, so don’t tax yourself by trying to cram as much information as possible for hours. If your mind is saturated with information it won’t make any difference how many hours you spend revising - nothing will go in.

Know your peak

Choose a time of the day when you feel most comfortable studying. Be it early in the morning or late at night, find a routine that suits you best: alone or with a group, in short bursts or larger revision sessions.


Exercise will give you more energy and endurance. Not only will it calm you down, but it will also increase the rate of blood flow around the body and the brain, helping you think more clearly.

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