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Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

To study certain subjects in the UK you will need apply for an Academic Technology Approval Scheme certificate.  ATAS applies to all students with a visa (regardless of visa type), unless they are of an exempt nationality.

General Information

How to apply


Postgraduate taught

Postgraduate research

Continuing students

General Information

How to apply


Postgraduate taught

Postgraduate research

Continuing students

Who needs ATAS?

An Academic Technology Approval Scheme clearance certificate (ATAS clearance certificate) is required if:

  • you are subject to UK immigration control and
  • you are not of a nationality that is exempt from ATAS and
  • you have chosen to study a course in a certain 'sensitive' subject area

Not all courses at the University require students to have an ATAS clearance certificate. To check the ATAS requirement for the course you have applied to study, please go to the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office website . You will need to enter the CAH3 code(s) for your course which can be found on your University of Southampton offer letter, select ' Taught/research student ' and enter your nationality as shown in your passport.

If you need ATAS clearance to study, you must get an ATAS clearance certificate before you make your visa application.  ATAS applies to all visa types.  Students who have Indefinite Leave to Remain do not need ATAS but those applying for Asylum do need ATAS.

If your course requires ATAS clearance and you need a Student visa, the University will not normally issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) until you have been issued an appropriate ATAS clearance certificate. You must have your ATAS in place before you apply for your Student visa.

UK immigration law does not allow Universities to register/enrol students for a course requiring ATAS until the ATAS clearance certificate has been issued.

Exempt nationalities

Students who are nationals of EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA), Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland or the United States of America do not need an ATAS clearance certificate.  Please check the Immigration rules Appendix ATAS for an up to date list of exempt nationalities.

What is an ATAS clearance certificate?

An ATAS clearance certificate shows details of the course and University you have an offer from. When you apply for your visa, you must only use an ATAS clearance certificate that is valid for that University and course, you cannot use a certificate for another University or course.  The ATAS clearance certificate is valid for 6 months from issue.

A new ATAS clearance certificate is needed in the following circumstances:

  • Transfer to a different programme of study that also requires ATAS
  • Change of research area
  • Change of main supervisor (research students only)
  • Your financial sponsor or conditions for financial sponsorship change at any time during your study or research
  • Significant change to course content
  • Delay of start date by more than 3 months
  • To extend your Student visa to complete your programme of study (your ATAS clearance certificate is only valid for up to 3 months after your original programme end date)
  • If you apply to complete your course with a different immigration permission (eg Skilled worker), you may need to apply for new ATAS


Contact us

Contact us

You can contact us by email and through online chat. We also offer online 1 to 1 appointments.


Applying for ATAS

Applications for ATAS clearance are made through the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office online application form .  Before starting your application for ATAS, please read the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office guidance in full.

When to apply

We recommend that you apply as early as possible to allow yourself enough time to apply for your visa after receiving your ATAS clearance certificate. You need only hold a conditional offer when making an application for ATAS. You do not have to have accepted your offer. You can apply for an ATAS certificate six months before the start date of your course and we recommend that you apply for your ATAS certificate as soon as you receive your offer if it is less than six months before the start of your course.

How long does it take to get ATAS

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office takes between four and six weeks to issue ATAS clearance certificates, although it can sometimes take longer.  There is no fast track application service; applications are processed in the order that they are received.

Completing the online application form

At the start of the application form you will be asked the following question: 'Are you a taught/research student or are you a researcher?'

There are two options, select 'Taught/research student' - do NOT select 'Researcher' as this is meant for research workers not students.

The next question asks: 'What type of study are you undertaking?'

Undergraduate and taught masters students should select 'Taught'.

Postgraduate research students should select 'Research'.

The online application form must be completed in full.  Failure to answer any of the questions will delay the processing of your ATAS application.

There are 10 sections to the online form:

Section Details in section
Proposed study

Name of University - University of Southampton is included in the drop down list

Course (programme) details as follows :

  • Subject you will be studying - enter the full title of your programme of study as stated on your offer letter eg PhD in Biological Sciences
  • Course (programme) start date as stated on your offer letter
  • Expected course (programme) end date (see below)
  • CAH3 code - select from drop down list
  • Qualification you will be studying for - select from the drop down list (visiting students should select 'Other - Not a UK qualification
  • Supervisor name - postgraduate research students should enter the name of their research supervisor; undergraduate and postgraduate taught students should enter the name of the Director of Programme

What you will be studying (2000 character limit) :

  • Postgraduate research students (including MRes )- research statement agreed with the University plus the details of any taught modules that will be taken alongside research
  • Postgraduate taught students -  list all elective modules available to you, if there are no elective modules then list the core modules
  • Undergraduate - list all final year elective modules, if there are no elective modules then list the final year core modules

Why you want to study the programme including future plans (2000 character limit)

Goals on completion of programme (2000 character limit)

Whether or not the programme being studied is a joint programme with another country

Personal details
  • Title, name, gender, date of birth, town/city of birth, country of birth
  • Passport number, passport issue date, passport expiration date
  • Nationality, dual nationality
  • Visa or entry to UK refusals
  • Military service details
  • Training in CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) or in using firearms
  • Government funded research activity
  • Languages and competency
  • Details of spouse if they are coming to the UK (if applicable)
Contact details
  • Email address, postal address and telephone numbers
Undergraduate/Postgraduate studies
  • Details of previous university level study
Other studies
  • Details of study undertaken after leaving school but before attending university eg formal professional training
Published papers
  • Details of any academic or professional papers you have published including a summary (500 character limit)
Employment history
  • Details of any employment (paid and long term voluntary) since leaving school (excluding temporary jobs during university vacation periods).  Includes brief job description (500 character limit).
  • Details of at least two referees that you have known for at least 3 years - at least one should be an academic referee.  You cannot include friends/family.
  • Details of your financial sponsor or how you will fund your study

This information can be found in your offer letter. If you have not received this information, please contact your Faculty Admissions Team.  For taught programmes, the name of the programme lead will need to be included (see Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught sections).

Expected course (programme) end date:

  • undergraduate students should enter the end date of their final academic year
  • postgraduate students on a 12 month masters should select a date 1 calendar year after the start date in their offer letter
  • postgraduate research students - should enter the candidature end date as stated on your offer letter.  If your candidature has been extended then enter a date 3 months after the new submission date to allow for your viva.

What happens after I have applied?
An ATAS certificate is valid for a period of six months from the date of issue. You must ensure that you have received ATAS clearance before making your visa application. Your visa application will be refused if you do not have an ATAS Certificate.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office will send the University a copy of your ATAS clearance certificate.  The University will review your ATAS clearance certificate and let you know if it is appropriate for study.  If you have omitted information in your ATAS clearance application (such as module detail), you may need to re-apply for ATAS.


Undergraduate students

Visiting students

If you are coming to the University as a visiting student on any of the programmes listed below, you will need an ATAS clearance certificate.

Foundation Years

If you are starting on one of our foundation programmes leading into any of the programmes listed below, you must apply for your ATAS before the start of your foundation programme.

Undergraduate programmes requiring ATAS: Acoustics

Programme title CAH3 code Director of Programme
MEng Acoustical Engineering CAH07-01-01 physics Professor Steve Bell
MEng Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year

Undergraduate programmes requiring ATAS: Aeronautics

Programme title CAH3 code Director of programme
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics CAH10-01-04 aeronautical and aerospace engineering Professor Neil Sandham
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Aerodynamics
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Aerodynamics with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Airvehicle Systems Design
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Airvehicle Systems Design with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Computational Engineering and Design
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Computational Engineering and Design with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Engineering Management
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Engineering Management with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Materials and Structures
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Materials and Structures with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Semester Abroad
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Semester Abroad with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Semester in Industry
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Semester in Industry with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Spacecraft Engineering
MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics/Spacecraft Engineering with Industrial Placement Year

Undergraduate programmes requiring ATAS: Chemical Engineering

Programme title CAH3 Code Director of Programme
MEng Chemical Engineering CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering Dr Mohamed Galal Hassan Sayed
MEng Chemical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year

Undergraduate programmes requiring ATAS: Mechanical

Programme title CAH3 Code Director of Programmes
MEng Mechanical Engineering CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering

Professor Markus Heller

MEng Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Aerospace with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Acoustical Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Acoustical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Advanced Materials
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Advanced Materials with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Automotive
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Automotive with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Computational Engineering and Design
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Computational Engineering and Design with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Management
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Management with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Naval Engineering
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Naval Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Sustainable Energy Systems
MEng Mechanical Engineering/Sustainable Energy Systems with Industrial Placement Year

Undergraduate programmes requiring ATAS: Astrophysics, Physics and Mathematics

Programme title CAH3 code Director of Programme
MPhys Astrophysics with a Year in Research






Dr Vasileios Apostolopoulos
MPhys Astrophysics with Year Abroad
MMath Mathematical Physics Dr David Gammack
MPhys Particle Physics with Research Year Abroad


Dr Vasileios Apostolopoulos


MPhys Physics
MPhys Physics with Astronomy
MPhys Physics with Industrial Placement
MPhys Physics with Mathematics
MPhys Physics with Nanotechnology
MPhys Physics with Photonics
MPhys Physics with Space Science
MPhys Physics with a Year of Experimental Research



Postgraduate taught students

Visiting students

If you are coming to the University as a visiting student on any of the programmes listed below, you will need an ATAS clearance certificate.

Pre-Masters programmes (Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study)

If you are starting on one of our Pre-Masters programmes leading into any of the programmes listed below, you must apply for your ATAS before the start of your Pre-Masters programme.

Postgraduate taught courses requiring ATAS: Chemistry

Programme title CAH3 code Director of Programme
MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering Dr Mohamed Galal Hassan Sayed

Postgraduate taught courses requiring ATAS: Computing and Engineering

Programme title CAH3 code Director of Programme
MSc Acoustical and Vibration Engineering CAH07-01-01 physics Professor Steve Bell
MSc Aerodynamics and Computation CAH10-01-04 aeronautical and aerospace engineering Professor Neil Sandham
MSc Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering Professor Markus Heller
MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Environment and Buildings) CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering Professor Patrick James
MSc Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Resources and Climate Change) CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering Professor Patrick James
MSc Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering Professor Markus Heller
MSc Mechatronics (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering Professor Markus Heller
MSc Propulsion and Engine Systems Engineering (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering Professor Markus Heller
MSc Optical Engineering CAH07-01-01 physics Dr Bill Brocklesby
MSc Race Car Aerodynamics CAH10-01-04 aeronautical and aerospace engineering Professor Neil Sandham
MSc Space Systems Engineering CAH10-01-04 aeronautical and aerospace engineering Professor Neil Sandham
MSc Sustainable Energy Technologies CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering Professor Patrick James

PGCE programmes

Our PGCE programmes do not require ATAS clearance.

Visiting students

If you are coming to the University as a visiting student to conduct research in any of the research fields listed as requiring ATAS in the tables below, you will need an ATAS clearance certificate regardless of your visa type.

MRes/Masters by Research students

Should include a programme description, a list of core modules and a research statement for the research project.  If the research project has not been assigned then include the list of topics for potential research projects in the ATAS application.  The MRes and Masters by Research programmes that require ATAS include:

Programme name CAH3 code
MRes Biomedical Sciences CAH02-05-03
MSc Biomedical Sciences by Research CAH02-05-03
MRes Big Data Biology CAH11-01-03
MRes Engineering & the Environment CAH10-01-01
MRes Wildlife Conservation CAH03-01-03
MRes Advanced Biological Sciences CAH03-01-01
MRes Evolution to 21st Century CAH03-01-10

iPhD students

Should include a programme description, a list of core modules and a research statement for the research project. If the research project has not been assigned, then please provide a course description and a list of topics for potential research projects in the ATAS application along with any core modules.

PhD (including iPhD)/EngD/MPhil research fields that require ATAS

Please be aware if you make an ATAS application and then move your course start date by 3 months or more, you will need to reapply for your ATAS Certificate stating your revised course start date.  The research fields at iPhD, PhD, EngD and MPhil level that require ATAS are as follows:


Research field ATAS requirement Relevant CAH3 codes
Biological Sciences Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Biological Sciences CAH03-01-01 biosciences (non-specific)
Business and Management Applies to some research undertaken in the field of Business and Management

CAH09-01-02 operational reseach

CAH09-01-01 mathematics

CAH11-01-03 information systems

Chemistry Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Chemistry CAH07-02-01 chemistry
Clinical Ethics and Law Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Clinical Ethics and Law CAH03-01-07 genetics
Computing Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Computing

CAH11-01-01 computer science

CAH11-01-02 information technology

CAH11-01-03 information systems

CAH11-01-05 artificial intelligence

Ecology and Environmental Science Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Ecology and Environmental Science including Freshwater Science and Wildlife Conservation CAH03-01-03 ecology and environmental biology
Engineering Applies to all research undertaken in the field of engineering

CAH10-01-07 civil engineering

CAH10-01-02 mechanical engineering

CAH10-01-09 chemical, process and energy engineering

CAH10-01-01 engineering (non-specific)

CAH10-01-06 bioengineering, medical and biomedical engineering

CAH10-02-04 maritime technology

Electronic and Electrical Engineering Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Electronic and Electrical Engineering CAH10-01-08 electrical and electronic engineering
Geography Applies to research undertaken in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS CAH26-01-05 others in geographical studies
Mathematics Applies to all research undertaken in the field of Mathematics CAH09-01-01 mathematics
Medicine All research undertaken in the field of Medicine

CAH02-05-03 others in subjects allied to medicine

CAH03-01-04 microbiology and cell science

CAH03-01-01 biosciences (non-specific)

Physics All research undertaken in the field of Physics CAH07-01-01 physics

When a new ATAS clearance certificate will be required

You will need to apply for a new ATAS clearance certificate if:

  • The end date of your programme changes by more than 3 months
  • You transfer to a different programme of study that needs ATAS (even if it is the same length)
  • If you are an undergraduate student and you add a year in employment/industrial placement year/year abroad to your ATAS bearing course
  • If you need to repeat a year of study or resubmit your dissertation and need to extend your visa to complete your programme of study
  • If you apply to complete your course with a different immigration permission (eg Skilled worker), you may need to apply for new ATAS

You will also need to apply for new ATAS if you are returning to study in the UK after:

  • Repeating externally
  • Returning from suspension
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