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The University of Southampton
Working as a Researcher

Your career

Managing your research career can be exciting, challenging, rewarding and frustrating all at the same time and at any stage!

career diagram

Professional success calls for self-awareness, passion/enthusiasm, resilience, creativity and a bit of ‘luck’ - but we can make our own opportunities and improve our chances of luck! Fortune favours the well-prepared.

You can add to your ‘luck’ by:

“At some point, everyone is an expert in the subject…so it is not what you know that counts, but what you do with it that matters…” Professor of Politics, interviewed for ‘what makes a successful researcher or academic’.

vitae - realising the potential of researcher


This is the national organisation that champions researcher development in the UK. The University is a member of Vitae, so all researchers have FREE use of their resources. Vitae have sections on their website for ‘Getting started as Research Staff’, ‘Making Progress as Research Staff,’ ‘What next for Research Staff,’ ‘Researchers Rights’, ‘Equality and Diversity’ and ‘Useful Publications'.

Vitae for research staff

Useful Downloads

Gerlese S. Åkerlind: Postdoctoral researchers: roles, functions and career prospects

Lynn McAlpine et al. Constructing post‐PhD careers: negotiating opportunities and personal goals

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