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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

Our Students

Our students come from a wide range of backgrounds and are carrying out research in a wide range of fields related to Web Science. These include: archiving, geospatial data, hypertext, health technologies, information dissemination, legislation, MOOCs, scholarly communication, semantic web and social media.

Many of our students have graduated, find out more about what they are doing now on our Alumni page.

If you would like to know more about the research our students are carrying out, please contact us at [email protected] .


Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Chris Adetunji Thesis: Enterprise Mobility and Social Media Analytics as Leverage for Corporate Knowledge Management 2018
Fatmah Akeel Thesis: Secure Data Integration Systems 2017
Nada Al Bunni Thesis: Investigating the Online Public Sphere for the Arabic World 2020
Reham Al Tamine Thesis: Behind the Wikipedia Medical Knowledge Factory: Understanding Information Dynamics 2020
Craig Allison Thesis: Exploring Orientation within Geovisualisations and Virtual Nested Environments 2016
Norah Alrajebah Thesis: Investigating Cascades in Social Networks: Structural and Temporal Aspects 2018
Mark Anderson Thesis: Sustainable Knowledge in Hypertext 2021
Stephen Anning Social Science for Natural Language Processing: A Hostile Narrative Analysis Prototype
Jacqueline Ayling Thesis: Putting AI ethics to work: Are the tools fit for purpose for SME’s pending
Norhidayah Azman Dark retweets: an investigation of non-conventional retweeting patterns 2014
James Baker Thesis: Designing Immersive Serious Games 2017
Gareth Beeston Thesis: A Case Study Analysis of the Success Factors in Web-based and Offline Social Innovation Competitions 2018
Nick Bennett Thesis: Data Mining Locative Thematic Narratives: Analysing Twitter and POI Data to Extract Precise Spatial Themes 2020
Reuben Binns Thesis: Openness for Privacy: Applying Open Approaches to Personal Data Challenges 2016
Robert Blair Thesis: Exploring Barriers To Use Of Social Media In Support Of Non-Formal Learning By Pupils Attending Secondary Education In The UK: A Mixed Method Approach 2018
Tom Blount Thesis: Modelling Eristic and Rhetorical Argumentation on the Social Web 2018
Paul Booth Thesis: Analytical Behaviour: A Study of Decision-Making Facilitated by Visual Analytics 2019
Clarissa Brough Listening to Gender: The Role of Online Music Networks in the Construction, Performance and Management of Gender Identity
Ian Brown Thesis: The DNA of Web Observatories 2017
Gunawan Budiprasetyo Thesis: Optimisation Classification on the Web of Data Using Linked Data. A Study Case: Movie Popularity Classification 2019
Emily Burden How has the evolving digital landscape reconfigured how the British public imagine the threat of terrorism and thus experience (in)security?
Maire Byrne-Evans Thesis: A Framework for Analysis of Web-Mediated Policy-Making in the areas of Crime, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity 2021


Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Christopher Cave Thesis: On Coarse Geometric Properties of Discrete and Locally Compact Groups 2015
Sebastien Combret The challenges and affordances of web-based video co-design for health intervention development
Ian Coombs Thesis: The conceptualisation of social media by young novice users: implications for the early secondary school
Elizabeth Coskun Thesis: Emerging a Web Science Lexicon 2018
Emma Cradock Thesis: A New Approach to Categorising Personal Data to Increase Transparency Under the Obligation to Inform 2022
Huw Davies Thesis: Challenging Orthodoxies in Digital Literacy: young people's practices online 2015
Michael Day Thesis: Teaching the Web: Moving Towards Principles for Web Education 2019
Geane de Almedia Fontinele Zadra Towards design guidelines for technology to assist young adults with visual impairment in physical activity or sport participation in the UK
Karla De Lima Guedes A Blended Learning Design in English for Academic Purposes Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of a Pre-sessional Stakeholders’ Experiences
Jo Dixon Could speech technology help to reduce the digital social inequality of adults with basic literacy skills?
Conrad D'Souza Thesis: Developing a HodgeRank methodology for predicting the outcome of competitive events: An illustration in the highly competitive field of horse race prediction 2020
Jean-Remy Duboc Thesis: Dynamic Feedback Generation in Virtual Patients using Semantic Web Technologies 2013
Roushdat Elabeebocus Thesis: On the inclusion of social media features in digital behaviour change interventions 2018


Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Nicholas Fair Thesis: In what ways does "digital learning" affect the short term development of specific language items for masters level English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students attending Pre-Sessional language course at a UK university?
Gemma Fitzsimmons Thesis: The influence of hyperlinks on reading on the web: an empirical approach 2016
Huw Fryer Thesis: The Public Health Analogy in Web Security 2016
Will Fyson Thesis: A Multi-Stakeholder Investigation into the Effect of the Web on Scholarly Communication in Chemistry 2017
Gulcan Garip Thesis: Modifying and evaluating the feasibility of a web-based weight loss intervention for Royal Navy personnel 2013
Paul Gaskell Thesis: Forecasting Financial Markets with Online information 2016
Jennifer Gaskell Thesis: Peacetech practices and their potentials for empowerment, participation and peace 2019
Laura German Thesis: Moving towards a Web of Data: Establishing principles of Governance for Open Data on the Web 2015
Edward Gillbard Finding Hay in a Haystack: Analysing Automated Content Extraction in the Manifestos of Far Right Lone Actor Violent Extremists pending
Ben Giordano Technologies of Cultural Memory: Online Communities of London's East End
Richard Gomer Thesis: Values in Technology and Practice: Using Activity Theory to consider the role of values and technology in everyday activities 2018
Briony Gray Thesis: Digital Disasters: A Novel Methodological Approach to Assess Social Media as a Tool for Disaster Management 2019
Lawrence Green Thesis: Employing web-based information in financial decision-making 2018
Alexander Green Researching crowdfunding for personal health and welfare
Caroline Halcrow Thesis: Spence: A mode for online / offline community 2021
Faranak Hardcastle

Thesis: A sociotechnical exploration of online behavioural tracking and advertising technologies and practices

Matt Healey Thesis: An examination of the extent the Internet has empowered young people to take greater control of their information, advice and guidance needs 2015
Sarah Hewitt Thesis: Revealing the content of the edu-blogosphere: taking a seat in the virtual staffroom 2020
Mary Houston Thesis: Inside government: the role of policy actors in shaping e-democracy in the UK 2016
Christopher Hughes Thesis: The Regulatory Dilemma: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Into How Regulation Can Be Used to Impact Innovation 2018


Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Ryan Javanshir Thesis: Revealing Structures in Transmedia Storytelling for the Purposes of Analysis and Classification 2022
Simon Jonsson The effect of immediate feedback and difficulty level on learning and engagement in the context of a Spanish learning mobile application
Sami Kanza Thesis: What Influence would a Cloud Based Semantic Laboratory Notebook have on the Digitisation and Management of Scientific Research? 2018
Sarosh Khan Thesis: An Analysis of the potential vicarious liability on employers for defamatory remarks posted online as a result of their employees usage of social media during the course of employment 2016
Ashton Kingdon The World White Web: A Socio-Technical Analysis of Online Far-Right Radicalisation
Sofia Kitromili Thesis: Authoring Digital Interactive Narratives 2022
Alison Knight Thesis: Uk Legal Issues Related to the Admissibility and Due Process Surrounding digital Identification 2019
Juljan Krause Shaping the Quantum Internet
Christos Koumenides Thesis: A Bayesian Inference Network Model for Entity-Oriented Semantic Web Search 2014
William Lawrence Thesis: Individual Differences in Decision Making Biases: The Effects of Experience and Innovativeness on Trader Behaviour 2018
Manuel Leon-Urrutia Thesis: MOOCs and Competencies for Higher Education Transformation: An Activity Theory Analysis 2019
Justyna Lisinska (nee Jonak) Thesis: How do populist supporters engage online 2021
Ching Man (Lo) The role of friendship group & Social Communication in online Collaborative learning within the context of mathematics education



Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Amy Page (nee Lynch) Thesis: Diabetes' patients using the Web for the self-management of their disease 2019
Evangelia Papdaki Thesis: What Amendments Need to Be Made to The Current EU Legal Framework to Better Address The Security Obligations of Data Controllers? 2018
Brian Parkinson Thesis: Personal Data: Definition and Access 2018
Oliver Parson Thesis: Unsupervised Training Methods for Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring from Smart Meter Data 2014
Sophie Parsons Thesis: The Evolving Symbiotic Relationship between Social Media and Emergency Management: An Exploration into the Value of Social Media for Emergency Responders in the UK 2019
Bartosz Paszcza Thesis (MPhil): Measuring the completeness of scholarly communications databases 2021
Martina Patone Thesis: Topics of statistical analysis with social media data 2020
Jarutas Pattanaphanchai Thesis: Trustworthiness of Web Information Evaluation Framework 2014
Henry Pearce 2020
Javier Pereda Thesis: Online Cultural Heritage: Facilitating Complex Query Making through Tangible User Interfaces 2018
Christopher Phethean Thesis: Exploring The Value of Social Media Services for Charitable Organisations: A Mixed Methods Approach 2015
Olivier Phillipe Thesis: Digital Traces, Sociology, and Twitter. Between False Promises and Real Potential 2018
Alan Ponce Rodriguez Thesis: The Role of Open Data in the Digital Economy: A Data Science and Economic Perspective 2020
Igor Popov Thesis: End-user Data-centric Interactions over Linked Data 2013
Maria Priestley Thesis: Innovation Patterns in the History of Web Technology: A Patent-Based Approach 2021
Travis Ralph-Donaldson Optimising Automatic Speech Recognition with Facial Depth Data
Neal Reeves Thesis: Sociality, community and productivity in Virtual Citizen Science 2019
Elzabi Rimington Thesis: The Social Function of Toxic Behaviour in an online video game 2018
Kieran Rones Digital Piracy, Historical Pirates, and Pirate Ontologies 2020
Bernard Roper Investigating the Geodemographic Significance of OpenStreetMap Provenance Graph Properties
Mike Saker Thesis: Smartphones and Pervasive Play: An Examination of the Effect Foursquare has on Physical, Spatial and Social Practices 2015
Mike Santer Thesis: A model to describe the adoption of mobile internet in sub-saharan africa 2013
Fernando Santos-Sanchez Thesis: The role of emotion in clinical text
Farhana Sarker Thesis: Linked data technologies to support higher education challenges: student retention, progression and completion 2015
Anna Selway (nee Kent-Muller) Thesis: A Formula for Music Similarity: Utilising music-theoretical approaches in audible perceptions of harmonic similarity 2021
Nina Schuller The Web as a Memory Illusion: An Extending Case Study of Wikipedian Representations of Memory
Jonathan Scott Thesis: The challenges of credibility in open news systems 2017
Rana Shahini Investigating Transculturality in Multicultural MOOCs: A Pedagogical Perspective.
Nichole Smith (previously Beale)

Thesis: Local Archaeology Archives as Participatory Heritage: Investigating the Potential of Social Media to Improve Access to Archaeological Archives in Local Government Affiliated Museums

Jonathan Staniforth An Investigation into the Problem of Demand on Shared Mobility Services Submitters
Peter Sturgess An investigation into the role of the Web in reducing the frequency and lethality of violent extremism
Lisa Sugiura Thesis: Respectable Deviance? Negotiating the opportunities and risks in online medicine purchasing 2016


Name Thesis Title/Research Topic Graduated
Keisha Taylor Thesis: Digital Platforms and Entrepreneurship in Trinidad and Tobago: An Examination of their Relationships Using Technology Affordances and Constraints 2020
Rachel (Taylor) Hamilton The role of the web in adolescent online health information searching about vaccines
Andy Thompson Thesis: The prevalence of civic talk and best practice within the online spaces of UK democratic intermediaries 2016
Robert Thorburn Thesis: Systems Modelling for Auditable Compliance and Privacy by Design in Smart Consumer Electronics
Gefion Thuermer Thesis: Differences in decision-making between web-native and non-web native political parties 2019
Ramine Tinati Thesis: Towards an Understanding of Web Growth: An Empirical Study of Socio-Technical Web Activity of Open Government Data 2014
Alexandra Tkacz Understanding paratext: A study of NaNoGenMo computer generated novel projects and potential readers pending
Chira Tochia How the Digital Workforce Has Re-Defined Boundary Management and Perceptions of Technological Tools on Maintaining Work-Life Balance 2021
John (Jack) Townsend Thesis: Digital systems for sustainability: a classification of ICT4S and smart green startups distinguishing automation, social computing and cleantech push 2018
Niko Tsakalakis Thesis: Analysing the impact of the GDPR on eIDAS: Supporting effective Data Protection by Design for cross-border electronic identification through unlinkability measures 2020
Gert Jan Van Hardeveld Thesis: Deviating from the cybercriminal script: Exploring the contextual factors and cognitive biases involved in carding 2018
Johanna Walker Thesis: Reconfiguring Open Data for Open Innovation 2021
Eamonn Walls Thesis: The Perceived Relation between ICTs and Social Good 2017
Clare Walsh Thesis: Scoring games fairly: Biases and interference in Games Based Assessment 2020
Jack Webster Thesis: Taste in the digital age: Music streaming services and the performance of class distinction 2019
Peter West Thesis: The Quantified Patient in the Doctor's Office: Understanding Clinical Workflows for Using Patient Self-Tracked Data 2020
Anna Weston Thesis: The DisENGAGE Framework: Exploring disengagement from health-based Digital Behaviour Change Interventions 2019
Steve White Thesis: Learning designers and educators in the ‘third space’: the socio-technical construction of MOOCs in UK higher education 2019
Yang Yang Thesis: Link Services for Linked Data 2015
Jiadi Yao Thesis: Understanding institutional collaboration networks: effects of collaboration on research impact and productivity 2015
Michael Yip

Thesis: Target Hardening the World Wide Web

Michele Zadra Online Political Participation Among EU migrants: A Comparative Analysis of Four English Cities
Aristea-Maria Zafeiropoulou Thesis: A paradox of privacy: unravelling the reasoning behind online location sharing 2015

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Leading the Way with Web Science

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