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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute


The Centre for Doctoral Training provides Web Science students with a range of training opportunities to develop their academic and personal skills as doctoral researchers and to prepare them for their future careers. We facilitate events for students to engage with individuals and external organisations and share expertise, and we encourage participation in local, national and international networks and events. There are also regular occasions for students to network informally within and across cohorts.

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Web Science Innovation started in 2009 and offered a four year integrated iPhD programme in Web Science aimed at providing graduates with socio-technical expertise to become leaders in the Digital Economy.

Events include:

Students also have the opportunity to participate in events hosted by the Web Science Institute (WSI) , the ESPRC Digital Economy Network (DEN) , the Web Science Trust (WST) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) , in addition to activities hosted by the University’s Doctoral College.

If you are interested getting involved with CDT activities, please see our Collaboration webpage for more information about opportunities available or contact us directly at [email protected].

Naples Workshop 2019

Our training and events

Discover more about some of the training and events our students have participated in.

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Our CDT students may participate in full or part-time external placements at any point during their PhD studies.

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