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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

Professor Susan Halford delivers her ex-augural lecture

Published: 13 February 2019
WH and SH
L-R: Professor Dame Wendy Hall and Professor Susan Halford

Professor Susan Halford delivered a lecture entitled "Digital Futures: the difference Web Science makes", at the University of Southampton on Monday 11 February to a room full of ex colleagues, external guests and past and present students.

Susan has left Southampton to be Professor of Sociology at the University of Bristol and it soon became clear that the room was, in fact, full of her friends.  Friendships born of fierce academic contention and a shared grappling for clarity that occurs when viewpoints from different disciplines come together to co-construct knowledge.

To read more about the lecture in a blog written by Digichamp Ian Coombs, see the link below.

To view and download the presentation slides, see the link below.

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