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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

CDT students enhance their academic networking skills

Published: 5 March 2019
Networking Skills training

Doctoral researchers from the Web Science CDT and South Coast DTP joined forces to take part in an interactive networking session led by Impact Factory.

The training was aimed at encouraging PhD students to communicate confidently when presenting themselves and their work in real life situations relevant to academia. Skills practised include active listening, establishing empathy, and joining and contributing to conversations with ease. Coupled with guidance on effective pre-event preparation and follow-up, the participants left the session armed with a toolbox of useful techniques supported by online resources. They commented afterwards:

“An interesting course, I enjoyed it. Definitely worth taking time out to think about how we focus our time at networking opportunities and pull it off effectively.”

“I like the idea of small group training. It allows the trainers to tailor the contents based on our needs.”

“I personally very much enjoyed the event.  The trainer is professional and willing to share their experiences in this field. They delivered well. More importantly, for myself I identified areas I can improve in the long term, and have some useful tips and techniques that may make a change in networking in the short term.”

“Mixing up students from different CDTs fits well with the context of the event by simulating a networking situation.”

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