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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

EPSRC Funding Opportunity: Enabling an equitable digital society – UKRI Event

10:00 - 11:00
28 July 2021

Event details

If you are interested in bidding, WSI will be holding a meeting to provide more of a briefing on the call, explain what support WSI can provide in collaboration with RIS, and provide an opportunity for discussion and networking between potential applicants.

How to apply

If you are considering applying, please submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) to Susan Davies (WSI Co-ordination Manager ) by 4pm on 23rd July. Your EoI should consist of a proposed title for the bid, details of the team (indicative if not finalised), and up to half a page narrative, briefly explaining the aim, objective and methodology.

The meeting joining instructions will be provided upon receipt of an EoI.

Call summary

Headline facts and figures:

  • Awards between £625k and £1.25M, funding 5 to 10 such projects
  • Proposals can be for any duration, appropriate to the planned research
  • Single stage application – deadline 14th September
  • 10 page Case for Support (plus minimal additional documentation)
  • Team must be multidisciplinary, spanning at least two disciplines across EPSRC, ESRC and AHRC. Must be at least 50% EPSRC remit.
  • Proposals will go out to review, then to panel for ranking and funding.

Aims and Remit:

  • Proposals should be aimed at building activities in the equitable digital society priority area
  • Proposals should have novelty in the technological design and novelty in the exploration of digital equitability.
  • Projects should “seek to benefit marginalised and vulnerable people and groups, clearly identify citizens’ needs and explain how these will be addressed”
  • Potential research topics are detailed in the call under ‘What we are looking for’

Additional points:

  • Clear focus on EDI within the team is important
  • Must have at least one ECR PI/Co-I and at least one Researcher Co-I (post doc)
  • This call is piloting allowing partners to act as Project Partners (giving to the grant) AND subcontractors (receiving from the grant to do a piece of work).
  • Projects should partner with the third sector, and where relevant industry, government and other organisations. These relationships should lead to co-creation in the heart of the research methodology
  • Proposals need to embed responsible innovation throughout the project
  • You should give due consideration to ensuring sustainability of the impact of the research and community benefit after the grant finishes

Further information

Contact Susan Davies (WSI) or Jon Williams (RIS).

Further details can be found on the EPSRC website.

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