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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

WWSSS'19 Programme Schedule

Please note that programme details may be subject to change

Sunday 8th September

Check in to accommodation Chamberlain Hall, Glen Eyre Halls of Residence
18.30 Travel to dinner venue Meet at Chamberlain Hall (residential delegates)
19.00 Welcome Dinner Brewhouse & Kitchen, Highfield Map

Monday 9th September | Web Science & AI

An introduction to Web Science and AI for Future Society

09.00 Registration B85, Foyer Highfield Campus, Map
Welcome and Introduction B85, Room 2209 Prof Les Carr & Dr Mark Weal
Overview of WWSSS'19
10.30 Break B85, Foyer
11.00 Introduction to Digital Futures B85, Room 2207 Prof Pauline Leonard
Keynote: Digital Futures? The difference that Web Science makes Prof Susan Halford
12.30 Lunch B85, Foyer
13.30 Keynote: The promise, perils and pitfalls of data science in industry, and how Web Science can help B85, Room 2207 JP Rangaswami
Panel discussion Chaired by Prof Pauline Leonard
15.00 Break B85, Foyer
15.30 Introduction to Group Projects B85, Room 2209 Prof Les Carr & Dr Mark Weal
17.00 Poster session and Welcome Reception B38, Hartley Suite
18.00 Dinner B38, Hartley Suite

Tuesday 10th September | Machine Learning & Deep Learning

A high level overview of AI and its applications

09.00 Introduction to Machine Learning & Statistical Analysis B59, Level 2, Labs 2203/2213 Highfield Campus, Map
Prof Les Carr, Dr Adriane Chapman, Dr Pavlos Vougiouklis
10.30 Break B53, Room 3028
Common Room
11.00 A Python-based tutorial:
Deep and reinforcement learning; natural language and text processing fundamentals; topic modelling on text
12.30 Lunch B85, Foyer
13.30 Lecture: When should you use (and not use) Machine Learning B85, Room 2207
How to apply Machine Learning to project work / Q&A
15.00 Break B85, Foyer
15.30 Group Projects B85
16.30 Travel to city centre for Walking Tour Highfield interchange Unilink
17.30 Walking Tour - Medieval Southampton Bargate Mary Taylor, Southampton Tourist Guides Association
19.00 Dinner in city centre COSMO Map - Unit 24WM West Quay Shopping Centre

Wednesday 11th September | Ethics for Researchers

A day exploring Ethics in the context of a research environment and in the real world.

09.00 Introduction to Ethics B85, Room 2207
The Web, AI and Society: the Ethical Dimension Dr Kieron O'Hara
A Future of Biometrics Prof Mark Nixon
10.30 Break B85, Foyer
11.00 Workshop: How to Advise B85, Room 2207 Prof Les Carr & Dr Mark Weal
12.30 Lunch B85, Foyer
13.30 Workshop: Ethical AI for measuring Society B85, Room 2209 Office for National Statistics
Including break 15.00 - 15.30 B85, Foyer
16.00 Group Projects B85
17.00 Free evening
Dinner - own arrangements

Thursday 12th September | Data Science & Data Visualisation

All day visit to London

08.30 Coach to London From Highfield Interchange Highfield Campus, Map
10.45 Arrival at Imperial College London South Kensington campus Imperial College London, Map
11.00 Introduction and tour of the Data Observatory Data Science Institute, William Penney Laboratory Professor YiKe Guo
12.00 Data Visualisation Workshop Boardroom, Data Observatory Senaka Fernando
13.00 Lunch Own arrangements
14.00 Workshop continuation
15.00 Free time South Kensington
Optional: Science Museum Exhibition - Top Secret: From Ciphers to Cyber Security South Kensington
17.30 Dinner Pappa Roma Map - 6 Glendower Place, SW7 3DP
19.00 Coach to Southampton From Imperial College

Friday 13th September | The Future of AI

An exploration of the potential influence of AI on future society

09.00 Group Project Presentations and Summer School closing session B85, Room 2207 Prof Les Carr & Dr Mark Weal
10.30 Break B85, Foyer
11.00 Keynote: Web Science, AI and the Future of the Internet B85, Room 2207 Prof Dame Wendy Hall
12.00 Seminar: Technical Challenges in delivering a Digital Built Britain B32, Room 3077 Dr Matthew West, Innovation Junction
13.00 Lunch B32, Room 4077
13.30 Delegates depart

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