3.1 TWO FACTOR FULLY CROSS-FACTORED MODEL Y = B|A + e Data for Figure 5(c) on Irrigation treatment A and sowing density treatment B, declaring terms: B|A A B Y Control Low 1.146 Control Low 1.780 Control Low 4.000 Control Low 9.050 Control High 15.878 Control High 22.871 Control High 21.000 Control High 24.042 Water Low 11.400 Water Low 20.000 Water Low 15.000 Water Low 13.651 Water High 15.140 Water High 7.000 Water High 12.000 Water High 14.043 Model 3.1(i) A and B are both fixed factors: Source DF SS MS F P 1 A 1 4.48 4.48 0.34 0.568 2 B 1 195.63 195.63 15.01 0.002 3 B*A 1 396.84 396.84 30.46 <0.001 4 S(B*A) 12 156.36 13.03 Total 15 753.30 __________________________________________________________________ Doncaster, C. P. & Davey, A. J. H. (2007) Analysis of Variance and Covariance: How to Choose and Construct Models for the Life Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://southampton.likn.co/~cpd/anovas/datasets/