2.1 TWO FACTOR NESTED MODEL Y = B(A) + e Analysis of Cortisol response (Y) in terms of Food (A) and Pen (B): A + B(A) Data: A B Y 1 1 15.5 1 1 16.2 1 1 15.0 1 2 18.7 1 2 15.0 1 2 20.8 1 3 12.0 1 3 15.0 1 3 13.2 1 4 12.4 1 4 10.4 1 4 9.5 2 1 16.1 2 1 7.3 2 1 10.5 2 2 7.5 2 2 7.2 2 2 10.8 2 3 5.2 2 3 9.4 2 3 5.5 2 4 8.8 2 4 10.3 2 4 9.9 Model 2.1(i) A is a fixed factor, B is a random factor: Source DF SS MS F P 1 A 1 177.13 177.13 8.64 0.026 2 B(A) 6 122.99 20.50 3.78 0.016 3 Error 16 86.79 5.42 Total 23 386.90 COMMENT: With this model, the coding of Pen B describes four pens nested in the even food treatment (level 1 of A) and four (different) pens nested in the patchy food treatment (level 2 of A). __________________________________________________________________ Doncaster, C. P. & Davey, A. J. H. (2007) Analysis of Variance and Covariance: How to Choose and Construct Models for the Life Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://southampton.likn.co/~cpd/anovas/datasets/