3.1 TWO FACTOR FULLY CROSS-FACTORED MODEL Y = B|A + e Analysis of Chironomid response (Y) in terms of Bullhead (A) and Stone loach (B): B|A Data: A B Y 1 1 3.89 1 1 3.94 1 1 4.19 1 1 3.99 1 1 4.04 1 2 3.48 1 2 3.81 1 2 4.08 1 2 3.63 1 2 3.64 2 1 3.94 2 1 4.01 2 1 4.21 2 1 4.10 2 1 4.02 2 2 3.60 2 2 3.94 2 2 3.86 2 2 3.96 2 2 3.62 Model 3.1(i) A and B are both fixed factors: Source DF SS MS F P 1 A 1 0.01624 0.01624 0.61 0.446 2 B 1 0.36720 0.36721 13.79 0.002 3 B*A 1 0.00060 0.00061 0.02 0.882 4 Error 16 0.42612 0.02663 Total 19 0.81018 __________________________________________________________________ Doncaster, C. P. & Davey, A. J. H. (2007) Analysis of Variance and Covariance: How to Choose and Construct Models for the Life Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://southampton.likn.co/~cpd/anovas/datasets/