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NExT Meeting
Neutrino Physics and Particle Cosmology

School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Southampton, 4 May 2011
venue: Lecture Hall 3001, Building 34 "Education"

(see note on car parking permits)

Elena Accomando
Andrew Akeroyd
Alexander Belyaev
Pasquale Di Bari
Francesca Di Lodovico
Malcolm Fairbairn
Jonathan Flynn
Jonathan Hall
Stephan Huber
David Jones
Nikolas Kauer
Stephen King
Andrew Lytle
Luca Marzola
Jocelyn Monroe
Stefano Moretti
Tim Morris
Simon Peeters
Krishnan Rama
Douglas Ross
Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous
Patrik Svantesson
Alfons Weber
Stephen West
Jeanne Wilson
Roman Zwicky


Programme (Indico)

10.00 Coffee

10.30 Welcome

10.35 Alexander Belyaev (Southampton) NExT PhD Workshop

10.45 Jeanne Wilson (QMUL) Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and SNO+

11.15 Krishnan Rama (Warwick) A unified description of fermion mass matrices

11.30 Simon Peeters (Sussex) Reactor Neutrinos

12.00 Luca Marzola (Southampton) The problem of the initial conditions in leptogenesis

12.15 David Jones (Southampton) Leptogenesis in the two RH neutrino model
12.30 Lunch (staff club)

14.00 Francesca Di Lodovico (QMUL) Status of T2K

14.30 Jonathan Hall (Southampton) Dark Matter in the Exceptional SUSY Model

14.45 Alfons Weber (Oxford) MINOS/NOVA and future prospects of LBNE

15.15 Coffee

15.45 Malcolm Fairbairn (King's College) Exploring the Dark Universe

16.30 Jocelyn Monroe (RHUL) Dark Matter Direct Searches

17.00 Conclusions
Local organizers
P. Di Bari
S. King
S. Moretti
D. Ross

Ceris French

[email protected]

PDB 3-May-2011
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