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The University of Southampton
Autonomous Systems

Postgraduate - PhD

Our strength lies in the unique training we can give doctoral students


Following the success of our consortium in bidding for the 2015 NERC funded CDT, our Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in The use of smart and autonomous observation for the environmental sciences was launched in December 2015 and PhD students can now benefit from the strength afforded by our world class expertise and infrastructure which drives our ability to deliver ‘end-to-end’ training in smart and autonomous observations for the environmental sciences. The Nex t Generation U nmanned S ystem S cience (NEXUSS) CDT is underpinned by significant recent capital investment as part of the UK Government ‘ Eight Great Technologies ’ initiative. For example, a £13M investment in the NERC Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems facility (centred on NOC-Southampton and the University's Waterfront Campus) has enabled it to grow to upwards of 40 vehicles, making it the largest and most diverse research facility of its kind in Europe and one of the top three globally.


How to apply

NEXUSS seeks outstanding prospective research students regardless of their specific scientific background

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