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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Our alumni

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Where are they now?

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Photo of Georgina Abraham

I felt very privileged to be working in this environment

Georgina Abraham - MBiochem Master of Biochemistry
Photo of Dylan Alleyne

The skills I gained at Southampton were skills such as aestepic techniques, good labortory practice, great academic acumen with regards to life science, great social skills, analytical skills, time keeping and organisational skills. These skills have been vital in my various occupations.

Dylan Alleyne - Biomedical Sciences
Photo of Paula Ashling

There was a tremendous choice of units so you could explore different areas. I took optional modules in pharmacology which stood me in good stead later.

Paula Ashling - BSc Biochemistry, 2007
Photo of David Barlow

Biological Sciences has always been very supportive of my work. And now it’s nice to be able to give something back.

David Barlow - BSc Zoology, PhD
Photo of Stephanie Bird

As a degree subject, biology also offers a solid set of transferable skills; it is a science, it has mathematical elements and it also necessitates essay writing.

Stephanie Bird - BSc Biology, 2008
Photo of Connor Butler

The fieldwork skills that I gained from my course have been invaluable in the process of developing a career in such a competitive field.

Connor Butler - BSc Zoology, 2013
Photo of Annie Cardew

My friends doing dissertations in arts subjects are envious that I’m breaking new ground with my research.

Annie Cardew - PhD: 'Specificity of Triple Helix Formation'
Photo of Ian Clark

Pharmaceuticals and biotechs offer tremendous opportunities for young scientists.

Ian Clark - BSc Biology
Photo of Oliver Cockroft

Ask LOTS of question! You are there to get as much as you can from education, and the start of that journey of learning relies on you asking questions. Take as many opportunities as you can; this will broaden the skills and relationships, which may both be useful in the future.

Oliver Cockroft - Biology 2016
Photo of Richard Cottrell

It’s a fantastic job, I’m getting paid for doing something I really enjoy in a wonderful location in the sun, so I really can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be!

Richard Cottrell - BSc Biology, 2007
Photo of Phoebe Cross

My tutor was always available if I needed to discuss any concerns

Phoebe Cross - BSc Biology
Photo of Matthew Davies

We have a really good scientific community at Southampton of specialists working on neurodegenerative diseases and this kind of research is essential for humanity.

Matthew Davies - PhD, 2016
Photo of Jackie Essex

My analytical skills developed during my biochemistry course have proved invaluable in my current career as an auditor.

Jackie Essex - BSc Biochemistry
Photo of Emily Feist

During my PhD I was given many opportunities to present my work to a wide audience – in my job now, I work to communicate complex scientific concepts in a simplified and engaging way to a varied audience – my experience at Southampton and the opportunities I was presented with certainly are a factor in me being successful in my career.

Emily Feist - MBiomedSci graduated 2016
Photo of Rachel Gardner

I embarked on both postgraduate studies because I saw the potential they had to take me one step closer to the sort of role I am now working in. They also opened the door to a variety of unanticipated opportunities and experiences which I draw from continually.

Rachel Gardner - MRes Wildlife Conservation / PhD in Biological Sciences
Photo of Sam Green

The number one thing I would suggest for those looking to go into research in biology-related degrees is to get lab experience outside of your degree. Lab experience will help you stand out during job/ PhD applications.

Sam Green - MNeuro Master of Neuroscience, First class honours, 2019
Photo of Elizabeth Hogg

My final year long-lab project was really valuable, being able to learn about academic research life, and feel like you are actually contributing to a lab groups’ work.

Elizabeth Hogg - BSc Biomedical Science
Photo of Eagle Yi-Kung Huang

Degrees from an established UK university such as Southampton are always respected in my country. I would advise anyone to study at Southampton.

Eagle Yi-Kung Huang - PhD Neuropharmacology
Photo of Matt Hutchings

The totally different thing about studying for a PhD is that you get to spend your whole time in the lab. You have your research question to explore but, of course, the more experiments you do, the more questions you have. Research is fascinating and, perhaps, never-ending.

Matt Hutchings - PhD
Photo of Carly Jennings

Teaching at Southampton is research-led, which was a big selling point for me. My course also taught me self-directed learning and time management, skills that are valuable in my job.

Carly Jennings - BSc Biology, 2011
Photo of Lisa Jones

I am particularly interested in the interface between food security and biodiversity conservation.

Lisa Jones - BSc Zoology, 2015
Photo of Thomas Kurt Land

Find what drives you in your subject, and keep that in your heart when studying. It can be dauting at times, and confusing, but know that it is training you to be a great scientist. With that skill, you can get anywhere you want.

Thomas Kurt Land - Evolution (MRes.) 2020
Photo of Maddie Louise Newby

The choice of optional modules was an alluring aspect that separated Southampton from other universities as it gives you some control over the direction of your studies. As a member of the Biological Sciences Society, I felt part of a cohesive and approachable community which made my transition into university life easy

Maddie Louise Newby - BSc Pharmacology 2020
Photo of Katie Morrey

As well as my degree, the university helped me find what I want to do as a career and gave me the tools and opportunities to do it.

Katie Morrey - BSc Biomedical Sciences, 2016
Photo of Chris Packham

I’m a firm believer that the future of conservation lies in youth… empowering themselves to make change happen.

Chris Packham - BSc Zoology
Photo of Emma Slater

I had exposure to cutting edge research, flexibility to shape my degree to fit my interests, fantastic lecturers and a world class department building.

Emma Slater - BSc Biology, 2013
Photo of Michael Stephanou

The University makes sure to support its students and I feel I really benefited from having an approachable personal tutor who helped me pursue my interests by guiding me towards opportunities. Also, the immense variation in terms of module topics which are available allowed me to study areas which appealed to me and also allow for flexibility without compromising academic rigor.

Michael Stephanou - BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences, 2020
Photo of Katy Stubbs

For my PhD at Southampton, I was trying to understand how brain cells die in dementia by studying a particular part of the cell which we believe gets damaged as people age.

Katy Stubbs - PhD Neuroscience, 2016 and BSc Biomedical Sciences, 2011
Photo of Nathalie Swain-Diaz

My subject knowledge also helped me gain a place on a Masters course and most recently has helped me secure a position at the BBC’s Natural History Unit

Nathalie Swain-Diaz - BSc Biology
Photo of Robert Walker

It's hard to believe when I walked into Southampton as a student, I would remain there for my career. But I've always enjoyed teaching and talking with students. It was an excellent career choice.

Robert Walker - BSc Zoology, 1956 and PhD Neurophysiology, 1959
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