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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences Our alumni

Georgina Abraham MBiochem Master of Biochemistry, 2015

Medical Information and Patient Safety Executive, AstraZeneca

Georgina Abraham's Photo

I felt very privileged to be working in this environment

Why did you choose to come and study at Southampton?

The deciding factor for me when choosing Southampton was the state-of-the-art Life Sciences building. I felt very privileged to be working in this environment.

What were your Southampton ‘highlights’ (best experiences)?

My highlights at Southampton would be positive lab results, hot summers, and karaoke at The Stags every Thursday! It was the best (and cheapest) night of the week!

What other activities did you take advantage of while at University?

I got involved in some great societies at Southampton including golf, angling and mixed lacrosse. I was also part of ENACTUS Southampton where I met a diverse range of people who were all creative, enthusiastic and business minded. The opportunities that ENACTUS provides you with are fantastic, from learning how to nail an elevator pitch to global travel, and so I would encourage anyone to join.

What did you enjoy most about your course?

I enjoyed my long research projects during the four years. In my 3rd year I studied the behaviours of some microscopic worms, and my masters project I studied a pancreatic cancer signalling pathway. You learn a lot during lab work, and not just how to pipette! I am still using many of those skills to this day.

What have been the highlights of your career to date?

The highlight of my career so far has been moving to Glasgow for an internship. This was a terrifying prospect at first, but it turned out to be the best thing I ever did! I discovered an amazing new city, made lots of new friends, and I won a national award! It was a truly enriching experience.

How did your time at Southampton help you to grow as a person and help you get to where you are now?

One skill I gained at university that I use daily is how to critically evaluate scientific research. For example, when I see a shocking headline in the news such as “Scientists find that tea causes cancer”. I will now find the original journal article and read the methodology, to see whether that headline is substantiated by any real evidence. This stuff is important!

What advice would you give to a student starting their degree at Southampton?

Work hard! That piece of paper you get given at Graduation will stay with you your whole life, and your degree will go on every job application you ever do. Make sure it’s something you’re proud of!

What tips would you give to current students looking to start a career in your sector?

Try and get some work experience during your long university summers. Anything relevant that you can talk about at interview will show that you are dedicated.

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