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The University of Southampton
Biomedical Imaging Unit


To contact BIU staff, please use the details below. We always strongly encourage users to come and talk to us before they start their experiments so that we can advise on experimental design to maximise the chance of best quality data from our systems. Here is how to find us , the kettle is always on!

Postal address:
Biomedical Imaging Unit, Mailpoint 12, Laboratory and Pathology Block, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road,
Southampton, SO16 6YD.

BIU Manager, General Enquiries, Course Bookings and NHS Diagnostic Enquiries - Patricia Goggin
02381 20 4815 / UHS x4815
Email: [email protected]

Widefield, Confocal, Lightsheet Microscopy, Fluorescent Whole Slide Imaging - Dave Johnston
02381 203382 / UHS x3382
Email: [email protected]

Whole Animal Imaging - Katie Dexter
02381 20 3382 / UHS x3382
Email: [email protected]

Serial Block Face Imaging - James Thompson
02381 20 3382 / UHS x3382
Email: [email protected]

TEM tomography - Regan Doherty
02381 20 4807 / UHS x4807
Email: [email protected]

SEM EDX Microscopy - Catherine Griffiths
02381 20 3382 / UHS x3382
Email: [email protected]

Image Analysis - David Chatelet
02381 20 4807 / UHS x4807
Email: [email protected]

Outreach - Matthew MacGregor Sharp
Telephone: 02381 20 4807 / UHS x4807
Email: [email protected]

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