Instruments and Facilities
2D, 3D, 4D and correlative imaging using light, electrons and X-rays.
The Biomedical Imaging Unit provides state of the art facilities and research and diagnostic services (accredited under ISO 15189 ) in high quality and high resolution light and electron microscopy, with a special emphasis on 3D imaging.
We are based at University Hospital Southampton and are joint funded by the University of Southampton ( Faculty of Medicine ) and the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.
Our core staff, services and facilities serve a wide user base from the Faculty of Medicine, the wider University, other universities and research institutes, industry and artists - anyone with a need for high quality and high resolution microscopy.
Please use the navigation links on the top tab or the links below to explore and contact us to discuss your specific needs.
2D, 3D, 4D and correlative imaging using light, electrons and X-rays.
BIU staff are here to help at all stages of the imaging process: experiment design and optimisation, imaging, image processing and analysis and publication. Advice is free and freely offered.
BIU is equipped with state of the art resources to support research and diagnostic imaging with a wide variety of different modalities and specific expertise in 3D and correlative imaging.
BIU provides ISO 15189-accredited diagnostic services in electron microscopy for UHS and other NHS Trusts and is one of 3 national referral units for the specialist diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD).
BIU offers a 5 day advanced light microscopy course, a 4 day course in transmission electron microscopy, one day introductions to image analysis and confocal masterclasses and bespoke 1-to-1 tuition.
BIU has access to some of the best imaging systems available and prides itself in taking the best possible images, irrespective of whether the image is for research, diagnostics, education or outreach purposes.
Professional artists and art students use our microscopes to inspire and create artworks in a variety of traditional media and modern approaches including projections and installations.
BIU is committed to public engagement: open days and public events, formal outreach projects, visits for schools, work experience and sandwich placements. Please contact us for further information.
A collection of internal and external meeting archives, BIU course synopses, system protocols and other useful information for registered facility users.
A collection of web links to microscopy reference sites including equipment manufacturers, online microscopy tutorials, fluorescence microscopy data and useful software.
BIU operates an online booking system for all its equipment and facilities. Access to the system is restricted to registered users on the university domain.