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The University of Southampton
Biomedical Imaging Unit


The BIU is a joint facility of University of Southampton / University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and provides diagnostic services in electron microscopy for UHS, other NHS Trusts and hospitals overseas.

Our diagnostic services include:

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Service

We are also one of 3 national referral units funded by the NHS National Commissioning Group for the specialist diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) through combined light and electron microscopy approaches, providing services to the Southwest  of England and further afield (including Eire, Northern Ireland and Wales). PCD is a syndrome of rare hereditary diseases that affect the structure, function and behaviour of cilia in the airways, impairing lung clearance and producing lung disease. Other biological processes that involve cilia / flagellae, from patterning of the early embryo through to fertility in adults can also be affected. Clinical Diagnosis of PCD includes:

The University's Faculty of Medicine also contains a PCD research group which undertakes basic scientific research into ciliary function and develops new methods to facilitate diagnosis and investigation of PCD.


Within UHS we are part of the wider Cellular Pathology Division which holds ISO 15189 accreditation .


For all enquiries about our NHS diagnostic services, please contact Patricia Goggin ( [email protected] ).

BIU's NHS diagnostic services
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