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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Mr Ravish Karve BSc, MSc

Postgraduate Research Student with ANTC

Mr Ravish Karve's photo

Ravish has a BSc in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, USA.  After completing his undergraduate studies Ravish worked for two years as a Design Engineer in India.  he then obtained his MSc in Advanced Computational Methods for Fluid Flow Management and Fluid Structure Interaction from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Research interests

Ravish's PhD project focuses on extending analytical methods for the prediction of broadband noise from open rotors.  Ravish is currently looking at extending semi-empirical models for the prediction of leading edge interaction noise that would result due to the installation of open rotors.

PhD supervisors: Dr David Angland and Professor Xin Zhang

Research group: Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics

Affiliate research group


Mr Ravish Karve
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
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