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The University of Southampton
Monitoring of Engineered and Natural Systems Using Sensors

Exploiting interdisciplinary expertise for industry

Monitoring of Engineered and Natural Systems Using Sensors (MENSUS) is a new initiative centred at the University of Southampton that focuses on system condition monitoring technology and applications.

MENSUS System Characterisation Sensors and Devices Big Data and Analytics System Integration


MENSUS will build innovation and applied value for industry from a diverse but complementary research community for sensors, big data, wireless communications, instrumentation and business aspects of health monitoring for engineered and natural systems. Through combining the strengths of these individual parts, integrated systems level solutions will be achieved. MENSUS will develop a world leading Centre of Excellence providing integrated solutions to complex systems over a wide range of sectors.


  • Access to leading multidisciplinary academic expertise for new paradigm thinking, problem-solving and practical ways to exploit an increasingly sensed world.
  • Leveraging unique R&D facilities, including state of the art cleanrooms, large wind tunnels, high voltage laboratory, X-ray computer tomography, mechanical testing integrated with imaging, 138m towing tank for maritime and water borne applications.
  • Meeting skills and talent needs through engagement with undergraduate and post graduate students, tailored courses, and CPD.


  • Tailored response to the multidisciplinary needs of industry.
  • Approaches that deliver quantifiable benefits to industry
  • Novel technical approaches with strong industrial relevance.
  • Increased safety by better identification of equipment at risk as well as avoidance of unexpected/early failures.
  • Improved operational efficiencies, productivity, availability, energy and resource use.
  • Cross-sector knowledge transfer.
  • Research consortia established for tackling existing and future challenges.
  • Enhanced educational experience for industry.
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