Our Services
Explore our range of testing and analysis services
Specialists in materials selection and failure analysis
nC² Engineering Consultancy is a University of Southampton consultancy unit offering bespoke testing and expert advice to industry clients. Our experienced team includes specialists in materials science, mechanical testing, failure investigation, tribology and corrosion control.
We can support your company’s R&D agenda, whether you need help to choose the right material for your product or solve a design problem. We will work with you to design tests tailored to your requirements, providing evidence-based data and expert opinion to move your project forward.
Visit our Website to find out more about our services or get in touch to arrange a free initial consultation:
07917 265160
Explore our range of testing and analysis services
nC²’s services include:
• Particulate erosion testing
• Corrosion and paint testing
• Cavitation erosion testing
• Friction measurement
• Abrasion testing
• Failure investigation
• Materials characterisation (including cryogenic testing, mechanical testing, chemical analysis, CT, metallurgical analysis, surface metrology)
• Applied research
What we offer
Why choose nC 2 ?